
Partsgeek.com 客户常见问题解答


Partsgeek.com 的电话号码是多少?

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不,Partsgeek.com 没有实体店。我们是一家专门销售汽车零部件和配件的在线零售商......

最近 Partsgeek.com 个客户问题

Will my part arrive before january 18 if i ordered it yesterday

Delivery times can vary based on the shipping method selected and the location. If you ordered a part yesterday, it may arrive before January 18, but this is not guaranteed. Check the estimated delivery date provided during the checkout process for a more accurate timeframe.
询问时间:Jan 10, 2025 9:19 AM

I order my part yesterday when will it be sent

Orders are typically processed and shipped within one to two business days. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number to follow its progress. Please refer to your order confirmation for specific details regarding your shipment.
询问时间:Jan 10, 2025 9:18 AM

I ordered two parts a fuel pump and a water pump.Ididnt received the water pump.I received the fuel pump. This is an incomplete order, the order number is 18-118270736

We're sorry to hear about the incomplete order. To resolve this, we recommend finding the contact link on the page you're viewing, which will provide the most current information for reaching Partsgeek's customer service. They will be able to check your order status and rectify any issues. While we know this isn't ideal, they are certainly there to help make right any problems with your order. Please have your order number ready when contacting them to expedite the process.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 5:41 AM

where do I put my tracking number for returns

You put your tracking number for returns within the return package that's sent back to Partsgeek.com. It's important to note the tracking number on the shipping receipt after mailing off your return. This number allows you to track when Partsgeek receives your return. Also, if there is a Returns section in your account dashboard on the website, you may be able to input that tracking number there for further reference. Please be sure to keep the receipt or documentation proving you have sent the items back. This is your proof of return while you wait for Partsgeek to process it.
询问时间:Mar 28, 2024 12:55 AM

Power steering line for 09 pt cruiser

Yes, PartsGeek.com does provide a selection of power steering hoses for a 2009 PT Cruiser. The site's detailed catalog system should allow you to find the exact part you're looking for. You can search by the make, model, and year of your vehicle. Prices and availability may vary depending on the chosen brand and product, so we encourage you to browse through the available options to find the one that best suits your needs. Remember, it's critical to use the correct power steering line to ensure proper vehicle performance.
询问时间:Mar 16, 2024 11:08 AM


Returns and Shipping


Partsgeek 有严格的 30 天退货政策,规定时间过后物品不能退货。您需要 RMA 号码才能处理...


在 Partsgeek.com,您订单的运费由多种因素决定,包括重量、尺寸和目的地...


在 Partsgeek.com,我们努力确保及时高效的订单交付。收到您的订单所需的时间取决于几个因素。我们了解快速收到您的零件的重要性,并且我们为需要紧急交货的人提供加急运输选项。请记住,天气状况或承运人延误等不可预见的情况可能会影响预计的交货时间。请放心,我们提供跟踪详细信息,以帮助您随时了解订单状态......


是的,客户可以在 Partsgeek.com 上跟踪他们的订单。订单处理并发货后,跟踪号码将提供给...


是的,Partsgeek.com 提供国际运输。我们了解我们的客户来自世界各地,这就是为什么我们...

Payment and Cancellation


我们接受多种付款方式,为客户提供便利和灵活性。在 Partsgeek.com,您可以方便地支付...


是的,您可以在 Partsgeek.com 上取消订单。但需要注意的是,取消订单只能在下单前进行...

Policies and Warranties


在 Partsgeek.com,我们知道有时退货是必要的。这就是为什么我们提供无忧退货政策。如果你是...


是的,Partsgeek.com 提供零件保修。我们了解确保客户获得高质量产品的重要性......

Shipping Options


是的,在 Partsgeek.com,我们提供加急运输选项,以确保您的汽车零件快速送达您手中。我们明白那个时候...

Promotions and Discounts


是的,Partsgeek.com 提供各种折扣和促销活动,帮助客户节省购买费用。我们经常有特别优惠...

Store Location


不,Partsgeek.com 没有实体店。我们是一家专门销售汽车零部件和配件的在线零售商......
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Partsgeek.com 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
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