
Paddy Power (UK) 客户常见问题解答


Paddy Power (UK) 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Paddy Power (UK) 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


要验证您在 Paddy Power 的帐户,您通常需要提供一些文件。首先,有效的带照片身份证明是...


在 Paddy Power,提款流程旨在高效且无麻烦。从您的资金提取的持续时间...
询问有关Paddy Power (UK)客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Paddy Power (UK) 个客户问题

I deposited £10 last night and for no reason my account got closed down

If your account has been closed, it may be due to a variety of reasons related to security or compliance measures. We recommend checking your email for any communications from Paddy Power regarding the closure, as they typically provide information on account status changes. If you need to discuss your account further, there is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page.
询问时间:Dec 14, 2024 11:58 AM

I keep getting free bets but when I try to use them it still takes the money out of my account

Free bets can only be used under specific conditions, often for selected markets and minimum odds. If the bet doesn’t meet these criteria, funds may be deducted from your account. Ensure you've correctly applied the free bet when placing your wager. Please check the terms associated with your free bets for any limitations.
询问时间:Dec 12, 2024 2:49 PM

my account will not let me withdraw my winnings.. how to I unfreeze my account?

If your account is frozen and you cannot withdraw your winnings, you need to resolve any issues that may have caused the freeze. This could involve verifying your identity, confirming your details, or addressing any account restrictions. Please check for any notifications in your account that may explain the situation. For specific steps to unfreeze your account, please refer to the link on this page for the most up-to-date contact information where you can get assistance.
询问时间:Dec 9, 2024 1:57 PM

you have withheld money from my winning bet... I am very confused by the explanations that I have read so far... how do I release the money owed to me? B Davies LLewellyn

There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing. You can reach out to Paddy Power (UK) customer service for clarification and assistance regarding the release of the money owed to you.
询问时间:Dec 9, 2024 1:41 PM

Somehow my Paddy Power account has been closed by self exclusion. I did not do this and want my account re opened. I cannot contact PP.

If your Paddy Power account has been closed due to self-exclusion and you did not initiate this, it's important to follow the self-exclusion policies in place. Unfortunately, we cannot assist with re-opening accounts directly. However, there is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that will help you reach out to Paddy Power for assistance with your account.
询问时间:Dec 4, 2024 4:07 PM

帮助我解决Paddy Power (UK)客户服务问题

Account Verification


要验证您在 Paddy Power 的帐户,您通常需要提供一些文件。首先,有效的带照片身份证明是...

Payment Methods

Paddy Power接受哪些付款方式?

Paddy Power 为英国客户接受一系列安全、便捷的付款方式。您可以使用以下方式存款和取款:

Withdrawal Times


在 Paddy Power,提款流程旨在高效且无麻烦。从您的资金提取的持续时间...

Betting Options

我可以在 Paddy Power 投注哪些体育项目和赛事?

在 Paddy Power,您可以对各种体育和赛事进行投注。我们有广泛的流行运动选择,包括足球、...

Maximum Bet Limit


您可以在 Paddy Power 下注的最大金额根据投注类型和具体赛事而有所不同。我们的投注限额很灵活...

International Usage

我可以在英国以外的其他国家/地区使用 Paddy Power 吗?

是的,Paddy Power 向英国以外的客户提供服务。然而,服务的可用性和范围可能因不同的...

Responsible Gambling

Paddy Power 提供哪些负责任的赌博工具?

在 Paddy Power,我们优先考虑负责任的赌博,并提供多种工具来帮助我们的客户保持控制。首先,客户...



是的,Paddy Power 向其客户提供各种奖励优惠和促销活动。这些激励措施可以包括新用户的注册奖金……

Virtual Sports Betting

我可以在 Paddy Power 进行虚拟体育投注吗?

是的,您可以在 Paddy Power 进行虚拟体育投注。我们提供广泛的虚拟运动,如足球、赛马、赛狗……
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