
Family Mobile 客户常见问题解答


Family Mobile 的电话号码是多少?

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当您激活家庭移动设备时,您必须选择 PIN。忘记 PIN 码实际上会将您锁定在设备之外......
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最近 Family Mobile 个客户问题

Somebody stole my phone and I just got my phone back but they stole my sim card out of my phone so how can I keep them from using my service

To prevent any unauthorized use of your service, you should immediately report your stolen SIM card to Family Mobile. They can assist you in suspending your service and help you get a replacement SIM card. This will ensure that the stolen SIM card cannot be used to access your account or services. Make sure to keep an eye on any suspicious activity related to your account after you report the theft.
询问时间:Dec 26, 2024 2:46 AM

I changed Sim card. I need to activate phone.

You can activate your new Family Mobile SIM card by following these three easy steps. First, insert the new SIM card into your mobile device. Second, go to the Family Mobile activation page on the website where you'll be required to enter your SIM card number and your Family Mobile Service PIN. Lastly, follow the system prompts to complete the activation process. Please ensure your device is compatible with the Family Mobile network. During activation, you'll have the option to keep your existing number or get a new one. If you encounter any issues during the activation, there's always up-to-date contact information right on this page for further assistance.
询问时间:Jun 18, 2024 11:37 PM

Can I keep my same phone number when switching from t moble

Absolutely! You can retain your same phone number when switching from T-Mobile to Family Mobile. To do so, you'll need to port your number over. Just ensure that your account with T-Mobile is still active during the switch, as this is necessary for the port-in process. Then, during Family Mobile sign up, you'll be prompted to transfer your current number.
询问时间:May 7, 2024 10:16 PM

i bought a samsung a15 5g yesterday and i cannot make or receive calls nor send message. i can not receive messages either. old phone only makes 911 calls. HELP

It sounds like you might be experiencing issues with your device setup or network connection. Here are a few steps you can take: 1. Ensure that your SIM card is properly inserted into your Samsung A15 5G. 2. Verify that you have sufficient network coverage in your current area. 3. Check your phone's network settings to ensure that it's set to automatically select a network, or select Family Mobile manually. 4. Try to restart your phone - this can help reset your network connection. If none of these steps work, there might be an issue with your device or SIM card that can't be fixed simply. You might need to get in touch with Family Mobile's customer service or visit a Family Mobile store for further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 13, 2024 1:40 PM

帮助我解决Family Mobile客户服务问题

Payment Methods




本文讨论支付 Family Mobile 手机账单的各种方式。它分享了设置自动的优点...

Phone Management


切换到 Family Mobile 非常简单,只需几个步骤即可完成。您需要一部兼容的手机才能购买 Family...




如果您想更改家庭手机号码,您可以前往当地的沃尔玛并支付费用。另一种选择是发短信 MINC 至 611611....

Bill Assistance



PIN Management


当您激活家庭移动设备时,您必须选择 PIN。忘记 PIN 码实际上会将您锁定在设备之外......
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