
Expensify 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Expensify 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以将 Expensify 与其他会计软件集成吗?

是的,Expensify 可以与其他会计软件集成。 Expensify 提供与流行会计软件的无缝集成...

我可以将 Expensify 与其他会计软件集成吗?

是的,Expensify 可以与其他会计软件集成。 Expensify 提供与流行会计软件的无缝集成...

最近 Expensify 个客户问题

I am having an issue with setting up the expensify account for expensify credit cards

To set up your Expensify account for Expensify credit cards, ensure you have completed the necessary steps in your account settings. Check that your credit card is linked correctly and that you've provided all required information. If issues persist, reviewing your settings or any alerts within the app may help resolve the problem.
询问时间:Feb 14, 2025 9:13 PM

I am trying to sync Expensify with Sage Intaact but the expense types are not found. how do I sync them?

To sync Expensify with Sage Intacct and ensure expense types are correctly mapped, verify that the expense types in Expensify match the account classifications in Sage Intacct. You may need to configure the mapping settings in the Expensify integration settings for Sage Intacct. Make sure all the necessary permissions and configurations are properly set in both applications. If the problem persists, checking the integration documentation within Expensify might provide additional guidance.
询问时间:Dec 16, 2024 8:37 PM

how to delete the app from my phone

To delete the Expensify app from your phone, first locate the app's icon on your home screen or in your app drawer. For Android users, tap and hold the icon until a menu appears, then select "Uninstall." Confirm that you want to delete the app and it will be removed. For iPhone users, tap and hold the Expensify icon until it starts to wiggle. Tap on the "X" that appears in the top left corner of the icon, then tap "Delete" to confirm. Note that deleting the app will not delete your Expensify account or any expense reports you've created.
询问时间:Mar 20, 2024 4:51 PM


Expense Tracking

我可以使用 Expensify 跟踪哪些类型的费用?

Expensify 提供了一个多功能平台来有效跟踪各种费用。您可以轻松监控和管理各种费用...

Importing Expenses


是的,Expensify 允许您轻松地从其他应用程序导入费用。我们知道管理多个方面的费用...



是的,您可以在 Expensify 中轻松自定义带有公司徽标的费用报告。我们的平台允许您添加您公司的徽标...

Mobile App

有适用于 Expensify 的移动应用程序吗?

是的,有一个适用于 Expensify 的移动应用程序。我们的移动应用程序与 iOS 和 Android 设备兼容,提供便利...

Payment Methods


Expensify 提供多种便捷的支付方式来报销费用。您可以选择通过直接报销费用...

Data Security

我在 Expensify 中的费用数据的安全性如何?

您在 Expensify 中的费用数据是高度安全的。我们通过实施各种行业领先的技术来优先保护您的信息...


我可以将 Expensify 与其他会计软件集成吗?

是的,Expensify 可以与其他会计软件集成。 Expensify 提供与流行会计软件的无缝集成...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Expensify 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Expensify 个问题

