
Eventbrite 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Eventbrite 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何恢复我的 Eventbrite 帐户?

Eventbrite 是一个活动策划网站,可让您发布和宣传您的活动、邀请嘉宾、出售门票以及跟踪销售和...

我可以在 Eventbrite 上创建的活动类型有任何限制吗?

对于您可以在 Eventbrite 上创建的事件类型没有具体限制。 Eventbrite 是一个多功能平台,支持...

最近 Eventbrite 个客户问题

why do i get the message Whoops! Someone must have pulled a plug somewhere... try again.

The message "Whoops! Someone must have pulled a plug somewhere... try again" usually indicates a temporary issue with the Eventbrite platform. It may be due to a connectivity problem, server issue, or an error in processing your request. Refreshing the page or trying again later might resolve the issue. If it persists, please check for any updates or maintenance notifications on the site.
询问时间:Jan 17, 2025 2:24 PM

How do I get rid of the message 'Whoops! Someone must have pulled a plug somewhere... please try again.'

This message typically indicates a temporary issue with the Eventbrite platform. Refresh the page or try accessing the site after a few minutes. If the problem persists, clearing your browser's cache and cookies might help.
询问时间:Dec 9, 2024 11:39 AM

How do I unsuspend my account?

To unsuspend your Eventbrite account, you will need to follow the instructions provided in the suspension notification email you received. This typically involves resolving any issues associated with your account, such as confirming your identity or addressing any policy violations. Once you have completed the necessary steps, your account may be reinstated.
询问时间:Sep 25, 2024 6:17 PM

How do I access Eventbrite after my account email got hacked?

If your account email was hacked, first, try to reset your password by using the "Forgot Password" option on the login page. You will need access to your email to receive the reset link. If you can't access your email, check for any recovery options provided by Eventbrite. Make sure to secure your email account by changing the password and enabling two-factor authentication if available.
询问时间:Aug 17, 2024 9:43 PM

How do I see the ticket I just bought? It’s not in the app.

If your ticket isn't showing in the Eventbrite app, try the following steps: 1. Ensure you're logged into the correct account. 2. Check your email for the ticket confirmation and click the "View your order" link. 3. Refresh the app to see if it updates your purchased tickets. 4. Check the "Tickets" section in the app to see if it has updated. If issues persist, consider checking the spam or promotions folder in your email for the confirmation message.
询问时间:Jul 17, 2024 11:50 PM



我如何从 Eventbrite 获得退款?

从 Eventbrite 获得退款非常容易。您可以使用几种不同的方法,并且大多数退款都会得到处理...


Eventbrite 定价如何运作?

Eventbrite 使活动策划变得更加轻松、精简。该公司提供三个套餐,您可以启动 Essentials...

Account Recovery

如何恢复我的 Eventbrite 帐户?

Eventbrite 是一个活动策划网站,可让您发布和宣传您的活动、邀请嘉宾、出售门票以及跟踪销售和...

Payment Methods

Eventbrite 接受哪些付款方式?

Eventbrite 接受多种付款方式,为活动组织者和参与者提供便利。该平台目前支持简化门票购买流程,Eventbrite 的支付系统可确保安全交易并保护敏感的财务信息。它通过行业领先的安全措施加密数据并保护交易。通过接受多种支付方式,Eventbrite 旨在满足活动组织者和参与者的偏好和需求,促进无缝、无忧的活动票务......

Currency Options


是的,Eventbrite 允许您以不同货币出售门票。作为活动组织者,您可以灵活地定价门票......

Organizer Tools

什么是 Eventbrite 组织者?

Eventbrite Organizer是Eventbrite提供的一款功能强大的活动管理平台,专为活动组织者设计。它...


是的,作为 Eventbrite 上的活动组织者,您可以灵活地为您的活动提供折扣和促销代码。此功能...

我可以通过 Eventbrite 跟踪我的活动的销售和出席情况吗?

是的,Eventbrite 允许您跟踪活动的销售和出席情况。通过 Eventbrite 的综合仪表板,您可以...

我可以在 Eventbrite 上创建的活动类型有任何限制吗?

对于您可以在 Eventbrite 上创建的事件类型没有具体限制。 Eventbrite 是一个多功能平台,支持...

Ticket Transfers


是的,您可以将门票转让给其他人。 Eventbrite 允许门票转让,为与会者提供灵活性。到...

Mobile App

有 Eventbrite 移动应用程序吗?

是的,Eventbrite 提供全面的移动应用程序。借助 Eventbrite 应用程序,您可以轻松发现、创建和管理活动……
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Eventbrite 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 Eventbrite 个问题

