Jagex Ltd. Customer Service Issues

Archive 8

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Jagex Ltd. customer service, archive #8. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 9, 2021 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I need assistance with logging back into my account. I managed to recover my original email address, although I haven't accessed the account in over a decade. I'm struggling to remember the details like original passwords or the account creation date that are being requested for verification. It seems excessive to require so much information for a password reset. If I'm clearly attempting to recover the password due to not using the account for a long time, it's puzzling how I would be able to recall old passwords.
Reported by GetHuman6169682 on الأربعاء ٩ يونيو ٢٠٢١ ٠٠:٠١
I was mistakenly banned for macroing on my Runescape account yesterday around 8 or 9 pm PST. At the time, I was playing on the mobile game version while watching Twitch.tv using split screen on my phone. I have never used bots and was shocked to witness this happening in real time. Returning to this account a few weeks ago after an 8-month break, I have seen no signs of hacking or hijacking. My ironman status and items were untouched, and I hadn't detected any suspicious activity. I primarily use Runelite client and Runescape mobile, never employing third-party programs or macros. My game sessions switch between my laptop and mobile due to health reasons causing fatigue; I also connect to different Wi-Fi networks. Despite efforts to contact support and appealing the ban, I've only received automated responses. I'm innocent and seek answers to prevent future wrongful bans, hoping to resolve this swiftly. - Sam
Reported by GetHuman-samcrse on الأحد ١٣ يونيو ٢٠٢١ ٠٤:٢٠
I am determined to recover my two Runescape accounts soon. Accidentally setting up 2FA without recovery codes has left me struggling to regain access after my phone broke. Despite playing for over 15 years and being a loyal paying customer, the lack of proper support is frustrating. I tried the password reset email, but creating additional accounts on Twitter or Reddit is not an option. It's disappointing that the only way to address account issues is through the forums, especially when locked out due to unrecoverable 2FA. Runescape lacks necessary security measures like using Yubikey for authentication instead of relying on basic passwords. This experience has made me reconsider investing my money elsewhere. I hope Jagex takes customer concerns seriously and improves their support system before losing more loyal players like me.
Reported by GetHuman6292150 on الأحد ٤ يوليو ٢٠٢١ ١٣:٤٠
I spent around 50 hours playing old school Runescape over a few days, aiming to reach 99 smithing before the price for adamant bars decreased. However, after the recent game update (slayer poll), I was unexpectedly logged out and informed that my account was banned for major macro use. Despite trying to appeal the ban, I was informed it was detected by the anti-cheat system. I suspect that the ban was triggered because I had kept RUNELITE open for an extended period without logging out, similar to a previous incident on a different account. I've been playing on my 17-year-old account under the username Jarl Qboyq and would appreciate any assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman6350051 on الأحد ١٨ يوليو ٢٠٢١ ٠٨:٥٦
Hello, I would like to appeal the temporary ban placed on my Runescape account. I will provide my Runescape account name upon receiving a reply. I am unsure if this email is truly from Jagex. Despite your statement that my account was not hijacked, it was indeed compromised, as half of my items were stolen and the account was banned for macroing. I have utilized Runescape for 17 years as a means of pain relief and to manage my depression. It seems illogical for me to jeopardize my account in this manner. My account history demonstrates significant time and financial investment. I request the IP Address of the individual who accessed my account during the ban, along with the country associated with that IP Address. Please reach out to me for any necessary information to review my account. Best regards, Carol
Reported by GetHuman6465578 on الإثنين ١٦ أغسطس ٢٠٢١ ٠٤:٥٩
Dear Jagex, I am reaching out with a heavy heart regarding a recent mishap with my account. As a long-time player who has cherished the dream of owning an Untrimmed Prayer Skill Cape since my youth, achieving this milestone in Old School RuneScape was a moment of pure joy for me. Unfortunately, last night, on August 17, [redacted], while aiming for 99 Magic, I inadvertently ended up trimming my prized Prayer Cape. Regrettably, this action has shattered my childhood ambition. I am kindly requesting Jagex's assistance in reinstating my untrimmed Prayer Cape. I understand that many players, like myself, hold sentimental value in their first Skill Cape being untrimmed. Given that in RuneScape 3 there exists an option, albeit involving real-world currency, to maintain untrimmed capes, I believe a similar feature should be made available in OSRS. I would be immensely grateful for any support or solution you can offer to rectify this situation and restore my cape. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, RSN: Dogss
Reported by GetHuman-buncaph on الخميس ١٩ أغسطس ٢٠٢١ ٠٠:٢٧
I recently returned to RuneScape on a new account, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Tonight, I decided to hunt some bots after hearing about their presence. Upon logging in at 3 am on free-to-play worlds, I was shocked to find approximately 10-15 bots at the first excavation site for archeology. Each bot is at level 3, not wearing any armor, and all their names have the same length on the same world. Their names consist of random letters followed by numbers or unusual words followed by numbers, like "jllhigyjwjsgn26783" or "stoneore34". I have captured images of around [redacted] bots across 6-7 free-to-play worlds. This exploitation needs to cease as the individuals behind it are earning roughly 250k an hour per bot. I am planning to submit the names and pictures for reporting since the usual reporting process sometimes proves ineffective.
Reported by GetHuman6479464 on الخميس ١٩ أغسطس ٢٠٢١ ٠٢:٣٢
I have been a loyal player of RuneScape since its inception in [redacted]. Over the years, I have dedicated countless hours to building up my beloved account named Tuituiman. Recently, I allowed my eldest child, Tayla, to play on my account, only to discover that she used it to engage in unauthorized activities using a bot tool in OSRS. Consequently, my cherished account Tuituiman has been banned, causing me immense distress considering the sentimental value and time invested in it. I am eager to reach out to Jagex to clarify this situation and seek a resolution. Ideally, I wish for the OSRS account to be reset to level 1 while preserving access to my original account. Any assistance in connecting with a representative from Jagex would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to consider my plea. Best regards, B. McKinlay
Reported by GetHuman-bmckinla on الأربعاء ٢٥ أغسطس ٢٠٢١ ٢١:٠١
Dear Jagex Ltd. team, I am writing to address an issue with Old School RuneScape. Recently, my account, Blisverateos, was unfairly banned for allegedly engaging in ''Real World Trading Major,'' a serious offense in the game. I want to emphasize that I play for the enjoyment of the game and have not violated any rules outlined in the customer agreement. The incident occurred on August 26, [redacted], around midday, as I was actively playing and crafting runes. While attempting to locate the Mind Sanctuary, the game unexpectedly logged me out, and when I tried to log back in, I was met with a notification stating that my account had been banned. Despite numerous attempts to contact support through the game's website, I was unable to reverse the ban and kept receiving the automated message of ''Permanently Banned.'' I kindly request your assistance in reviewing my account status and lifting the unfair ban so that I may resume playing and enjoying Old School RuneScape through my Steam account. Sincerely, DM
Reported by GetHuman-diegomin on الجمعة ٢٧ أغسطس ٢٠٢١ ٠٤:٤٤
Last year on May 6th, [redacted], I received an email regarding a password reset request from Ojiafo622 for my OSRS account, formerly Jason8833 and now Stealth God. The account was previously known as KBK Stealth before the name change. I didn't find it suspicious then; however, I am now unable to access my account. I achieved four level 99 skills on the mobile app - Fletching on December 23rd, [redacted], Cooking on January 5th, [redacted], Herblore on January 19th, [redacted], and Crafting on January 29th, [redacted]. I have screenshots of these accomplishments and other emails from Jagex related to this account. There are three of us who use this account, and I remember the first two passwords used on it. Unfortunately, someone has taken over the account and linked it to a different email. I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman6573076 on الأربعاء ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١ ١٥:٣٠
To whom it may concern, A few years ago, my account was hacked, and I've only recently returned to playing. I created this account back in 3rd grade in Sandpoint, Idaho, and continued using it during college in Bozeman, Montana. Unfortunately, before the hack, I had valuable items stolen, including a max cape and billions worth of gold and untradables. I've moved homes several times since then, most recently this July. Today, I tried to log in from my new address and found my account locked for security reasons. I've submitted two unlock requests with additional information, but both were denied. I'm the rightful owner of the account and can verify any necessary details. My login username is redjuggalo, and my display name is Ski_Freestyl. I'm willing to provide previous passwords and my bank PIN to a Jagex staff member. I'm hoping for a prompt response. Thank you, Sam
Reported by GetHuman6709170 on الجمعة ١٥ أكتوبر ٢٠٢١ ٠٠:٤٩
I found 4 unauthorized transactions of $79.99 AUD charged to my credit card today. I'm a 70-year-old Australian man who doesn't play Runescape. Earlier, I got an order confirmation at my personal email [[redacted]] for order number Kp5vziqw6s9TbezWYnKvhY for 10 Old School bonds that I did not make. Surprisingly, I received only one receipt, but my PayPal account shows 4 debits of $79.99 AUD each. The order was placed under the Player Name Wildkaan2779, likely the fraudster. I'm seeking a full refund of $[redacted].96 AUD for these fraudulent transactions. For security, I'll use a different email for communication. Thank you, Mike C.
Reported by GetHuman6763448 on الإثنين ١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢١ ٠٢:٥٥
Recently, my account was compromised, and although I managed to reset the password and use the account without issues, today I encountered a problem when logging in. Even though I was certain I entered the correct password, the system indicated it was wrong. I tried to reset the password again, but the reset emails were not being delivered. Further, when attempting to update my email address, the links provided in the emails to proceed with the change returned an error message stating that the request had timed out.
Reported by GetHuman-footeraw on الأحد ٥ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١ ١٥:٢٤
My father has never owned an iPhone; he only uses a flip phone. While going through his Discover card statements, I noticed recurring charges from your company on months when he shouldn't have any expenses. He doesn't use online payment methods and doesn't have a computer, so I'm confused as to why these charges are appearing without his authorization. I need assistance in understanding how these charges were incurred and resolving this issue promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kariday on الجمعة ١٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١ ١٦:٣٦
I have been playing for decades and unfortunately lost an account with 14 capes due to a misunderstanding. When I created a new account, I accidentally used a non-existent email address, preventing me from receiving important messages. I use two-step authentication with my phone and can confirm my ownership of the account. I am reaching out now to request a change in the email address associated with my account to either [redacted] or [redacted] so I can access my account properly. I am able to access the account with the username pauli777. Additionally, I would like to inquire about recovering accounts used by my son, named Arkantos483 and Reeve9, which were created between 2[redacted] and were linked to my address in Plano, TX. I can provide further verification details if needed. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Paul R. L. [redacted] Flagstone Drive Plano, TX [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman6970267 on الجمعة ٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١ ٠٣:٤٥
Hello, today on 12/31/[redacted], I want to inform you that my account caledorVIII has been unjustly blocked due to an alleged violation of the rules. Please, review my case thoroughly because I have not broken any rules. I have been playing your wonderful game for a year, and having my account taken away unjustly before the new year is tough for me. I ask you to carefully examine the supposed violation and restore my account. I have invested a lot of time and effort into it, and I wish to continue playing and achieving goals in OSRS. Please, review it, and if you have read this and consider my request, I thank you.
Reported by GetHuman6972295 on الجمعة ٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١ ١٨:٣٧
About five years ago, I was locked out of my email account registered with Microsoft, which I had linked to several of my RuneScape accounts. Despite numerous attempts over the years to regain access, I've found Microsoft's customer support to be unhelpful. The email had only one password, and I hadn't set up any recovery options. The RuneScape accounts were created between 2[redacted], and I'm unsure when I set the account recovery questions, some of which might have answers that vary over time. Recently, my car was broken into, leading to the loss of my wallet (containing the card used for membership payments) and my phone (with the 2FA). My bank couldn't provide my old debit card number. I have little information to provide beyond the current password and some old ones. Access to my accounts is crucial to me as I've been playing the game for almost 20 years. I only need the authenticator removed. I've since taken significant steps to enhance the security of all my accounts post this incident. Any help in recovering my accounts would be highly appreciated. I could attempt a few recovery question answers and appreciate any guidance on additional information needed. Thanks for your help in advance.
Reported by GetHuman7029185 on الأحد ١٦ يناير ٢٠٢٢ ١٦:١١
I fell victim to a deceptive scam, losing [redacted] million gp. After reporting the incident along with the offensive insults thrown at me, the lack of repercussions for scammers in the community has left me disheartened. This small group of scammers is poisoning the game environment for the majority of RS3 players, including myself and my beloved friendships within the game. As a long-time player, I've witnessed good people quitting due to scams, causing real-world distress. Vulnerable returning players like myself are preyed upon by these scammers, leading to devastating losses and emotional turmoil, as I personally experienced last night. Being a single father limits my game time, and recovering from such a significant loss seems impossible, forcing me to consider quitting. This ordeal has left me feeling depressed, and it's disheartening that scammers are thriving unchecked in a game I used to adore. The community needs to take a stand against these individuals to protect the integrity of RuneScape and its dedicated veteran players. Best, H.
Reported by GetHuman7343625 on الجمعة ١٥ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ١٨:١٦
Hello Jagex team, I woke up today to find my account banned, stating that it's because of alleged gold trading in the real world. I apologize for the email, but I kindly request for the account to be unbanned as that user has never sold gold. I was leveling it up for free to be able to defeat Vorkath and continue enjoying the game, which I love. Please, I beg you, review and notice that I have not sold any gold. I am Venezuelan, and I only play for fun with my family and kids. I have had several accounts banned, but I ask you not to apply this to me as I am innocent. Please, look into the case and lift the ban; it's unfair, and it saddens me because starting from scratch is challenging. Thank you for your attention, I hope you consider my plea. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-ninoandr on الإثنين ١٨ أبريل ٢٠٢٢ ١٤:٠٠
My account "Walapalooo" has been locked, and I have already submitted an appeal twice. Despite providing all the required security information and previous passwords, Jagex has denied my appeals. I suspect my account still has an active membership which is inconvenient. I am eager to have my account restored and wish to be contacted by a moderator as I have invested a significant amount of time and effort into it. I am unable to recall the exact date of when I created the account around 10 to 12 years ago during high school. Given that I have relocated more than six times since then, including during my transition into adulthood from 18 to 28, it is challenging to remember all the details. I am frustrated with this situation as it is the first time I have encountered such an issue with my account. Jagex has mentioned suspicious activity on my account, although I have not accessed it for months. I am keen on regaining access to my account, especially since I have earned 200m from skilling and have banked 99 prayer on it. All the progress I made seems to be wasted due to this lockout. I registered the account with an old email address which I no longer have access to.
Reported by GetHuman-barnerad on السبت ١١ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ ٢٢:٤٩

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