
Zoom 客户常见问题解答


Zoom 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Zoom 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Zoom 会议的最大参加人数是多少?

Zoom 会议允许的最大参与者人数取决于您拥有的 Zoom 帐户类型。如果您使用的是免费...

最近 Zoom 个客户问题

Request A Refund For A Paid Plan

We're sorry, but Zoom does not offer refunds for partial subscription periods or unused months. If you've purchased a plan and no longer need it, you can cancel your subscription at any time. The service will remain active until the end of the paid period. After cancelling, you'll still have access to the features of the plan until the end of your current billing cycle. Remember to cancel automatic payments in your App store or with Zoom to avoid being charged for the next period.
询问时间:Apr 16, 2024 8:54 AM

Zoom authentication speaker phone function cannot be used

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with the speakerphone function on Zoom. The speakerphone feature relies on your device's hardware and settings. First, ensure your device's volume is turned up and not in silent mode. Within Zoom, check your audio settings. Click the "^" arrow next to the microphone icon and select the correct speaker. If you're still experiencing issues, you may need to update your Zoom app to the latest version. Lastly, check your device's permissions to ensure Zoom has access to your audio.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 6:38 AM

I only join meetings with Zoom, and had no problem with my old Chromebook (Acer). My new Chromebook is a HP Chromebook X360. I can get Zoom webpage to boot up but my camera and audio don't work.

It sounds like you need to provide permissions for Zoom to access your camera and microphone in your new Chromebook settings. First, go to your Chrome settings, then click on "Privacy and Security". Next, select "Site Settings", then "Camera" or "Microphone". Find and select Zoom.us from the list, and ensure the camera and microphone are set to "Allow". Also, confirm that the correct camera and microphone are chosen in your Zoom settings. If these steps do not solve your problem, there may be a hardware issue or you might need to check for software updates.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 6:00 PM

Is there a way to set up downloads of cloud meeting recordings so that the meeting topic (ie the name I've given to each meeting) is part of the file name instead of just the GMT date and the series of numbers assigned to each meeting?

As per the current features provided by Zoom, the name of the downloaded cloud recording files will contain the date, time, and meeting ID, but not the meeting topic. Unfortunately, you cannot customize the file name while downloading it directly from Zoom. However, after the download, you can manually rename the file to include the meeting topic for easier identification.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 1:25 PM

My account does not reflect that I have bought pro plan.

It might take a few minutes for your account to reflect the new Pro Plan status after purchase. Log out from Zoom and wait a few moments, then log back in to refresh your account status. If your account still doesn't reflect your Pro Plan status, this could be due to a delayed payment processing. Please ensure that your purchase was successful and also double-check that the payment has been debited. If you are still facing issues, it may be best to reach out to Zoom customer service for specific assistance.
询问时间:Mar 15, 2024 2:21 PM




Zoom 是一款使人们能够通过在线会议进行联系的应用程序。这个应用程序在冠状病毒期间非常有帮助......


Zoom 会议在 Zoom 房间举行。房间的背景可以更改。要更改房间的背景,您可以更改...

Getting Started


Zoom 有许多功能,可能需要一些练习才能使用。尽管有很多功能,但有些功能更重要,您将使用...


Zoom 是一项视频通话和在线聊天服务。您可以使用该应用程序举行出于商业或教育目的的虚拟会议......

Screen Sharing


Zoom 是一款具有多种功能的在线视频会议应用程序。一项功能允许您与会议参与者共享屏幕......

Mobile Usage

我可以在移动设备上使用 Zoom 吗?如果是,怎么办?

是的,您可以在移动设备上使用 Zoom。要在移动设备上使用 Zoom,请按照以下简单步骤操作: 1. 转至 App Store (iOS) 或 Google Play Store (Android) 并搜索“Zoom Cloud Meetings”。 2. 在您的设备上下载并安装 Zoom 应用程序。 3. 安装后,打开应用程序并登录或创建一个新帐户(如果您还没有帐户)。 4. 您可以通过输入提供给您的会议 ID 加入会议,也可以通过选择“新会议”选项开始您自己的会议。 5. 如果需要,启用您的摄像头和麦克风,您现在可以通过 Zoom 的功能参加视频会议、参加网络研讨会或与其他人聊天。请记住拥有稳定的互联网连接以获得最佳体验。 Zoom 提供用户友好的界面,让您可以方便地在移动设备上进行连接和协作......

Recording Meetings

我可以录制 Zoom 会议吗?

是的,您可以录制 Zoom 会议。 Zoom 提供内置录制功能,可让您捕获音频、视频和屏幕共享...

System Requirements

使用 Zoom 有哪些系统要求?

要使用 Zoom,您的系统需要满足某些要求。对于 Windows 用户,您需要具有 1 GHz 处理器的 Windows 7 或更高版本...

App Usage

我可以在不下载应用程序的情况下使用 Zoom 吗?

是的,您无需下载应用程序即可使用 Zoom。 Zoom 提供网络浏览器版本,允许用户直接加入和主持会议...


什么是 Zoom 网络研讨会?如何举办?

Zoom 网络研讨会是 Zoom 上提供的虚拟活动平台,可让您举办在线会议、演示、研讨会或...

Participants Limit

Zoom 会议的最大参加人数是多少?

Zoom 会议允许的最大参与者人数取决于您拥有的 Zoom 帐户类型。如果您使用的是免费...


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

