
Vimeo 客户常见问题解答



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我可以在 Vimeo 上出售我的视频吗?

是的,您可以在 Vimeo 上出售您的视频。 Vimeo 提供了一项名为 Vimeo On Demand 的功能,允许内容创作者通过他们的...

最近 Vimeo 个客户问题

I can't get access to the video I purchased in 2018 after I enter my phone number and password. I used to get a "you own this" message, and could immediately the video. Not anymore , Why??

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble accessing your purchased content. If you're logging into the correct account and still can't see the video, it may be due to changes in Vimeo's policy or an issue with the video itself. It could be that the video was deleted or made private by the uploader. Another reason could be related to your account status. But without more detailed information, it's hard to pinpoint the exact cause. We suggest rechecking your account status and getting in touch with Vimeo's support for further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 16, 2024 5:30 PM

Can you add voice over in vimeo create

Absolutely, you can add a voiceover to your videos in Vimeo Create. Just go to the "Audio" tab in your video settings. There you'll find the "Voiceover" option. By clicking on it, you can start recording your own voice directly. It allows you to choose when and where you want to add the voiceover in the video. Remember that your device will need to have a working microphone for this feature to work. Then, you can adjust the volume as needed. It allows for a creative and unique way to personalize your content. Make sure to save your changes when you're done.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 7:57 PM

vimeo premium upgrade but wont accept payment

If Vimeo is not accepting your payment for a premium upgrade, there could be several reasons. A common one is that the payment details were entered incorrectly. Please double-check your details and try again. It might also be that the payment method is not supported. Vimeo accepts major credit cards, PayPal, and certain debit cards. If your card issuer or bank is located outside of the United States, they may have rejected the charge due to security reasons, in which case, you should contact your bank. Additionally, some purchases may require a mobile phone verification for security purposes. Make sure this process has been completed. Lastly, Vimeo might be experiencing temporary issues, so waiting and trying again later is recommended.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 11:44 PM

How do I remove an 'in use' credit card with old expiry date?

To remove an 'in use' credit card with an old expiration date from your Vimeo account, first, make sure you have another valid payment method in place, as Vimeo requires at least one. Now, follow these steps: Navigate to your 'Billing Settings', found under the 'Payment Methods' section. Here, you'll see the card details that are currently on file. Find the card you want to remove, hit the 'Remove' option next to it. Please remember, the remove option won't appear if it's the only credit card linked to your account. You'll need to add another payment method first before you can remove the old one.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 3:08 PM

I need yo reopen my account after vimeo closed it due to inactivity

If Vimeo closed your account due to inactivity, you can try to reactivate it. Visit Vimeo's login page and enter your email address and password as usual. If your account is inactive but not yet deleted, there should be an option to reactivate your account. But if your account has been permanently closed and deleted by the Vimeo team, regrettably it’s impossible to restore it. In such cases, your best bet is to create a new account. Remember, Vimeo deletes accounts due to inactivity usually after a year of non-usage, and after sending an email warning about the impending deletion.
询问时间:Apr 8, 2024 12:30 PM


Contact Support

如何联系 Vimeo 客户支持?

Vimeo 是一个视频共享网站。这是分发您的创意作品并与世界分享的好方法。他们提供多种...



这个易于理解的指南解释了 Vimeo 客户如何申请按年或按月订阅退款。如果你是一个...

Report Video


Vimeo 允许您发布和发现视频。只要您拥有版权,您就可以在 Vimeo 上发布视频来宣传您的业务...

Supported Formats

Vimeo 支持哪些视频文件格式?

Vimeo 支持多种视频文件格式,以确保用户的灵活性。该平台接受常见的视频格式,例如...

Membership Types

Vimeo 会员资格有哪些不同类型?

Vimeo 提供不同类型的会员资格以满足不同用户的需求。第一层是基本会员,免费......


我可以从 Vimeo 下载视频吗?

不可以,您不能直接从 Vimeo 下载视频。 Vimeo 不提供用于下载视频的内置选项,因为它尊重...

Sell Videos

我可以在 Vimeo 上出售我的视频吗?

是的,您可以在 Vimeo 上出售您的视频。 Vimeo 提供了一项名为 Vimeo On Demand 的功能,允许内容创作者通过他们的...


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

