Square Enix 客户常见问题解答


如何联系Square Enix客户服务?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Square Enix 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Square Enix 游戏支持哪些语言?

Square Enix 游戏支持多种语言,以满足全球受众的需求。通常支持的语言包括英语、日语...
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最近 Square Enix 个客户问题

Compromised account for Final Fantasy XIV

We're sorry to hear about your compromised Final Fantasy XIV account. The best immediate action is to change your password if you can still access your account. If you can't access it, there's a recovery process available where you provide your security question answer and other account details. It's also recommended that you enable the One-Time Password for an additional layer of security. Lastly, contact the Square Enix support team to inform them about your situation - they may be able to provide you with further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 13, 2024 2:57 AM

i dont remember my SQUARE ENIX ID

We're sorry to hear you are having trouble with your Square Enix ID. To reset it, please follow these steps: 1. Go to the Square Enix account management page. 2. Click on "Forgot your ID or password?". 3. Enter the email address you used when signing up for your Square Enix account. 4. Click on the "Go next" button. You should receive an email with instructions on how to recover your ID. If you can't remember your email address, or no longer have access to it, you may need to create a new account.
询问时间:Apr 1, 2024 3:23 PM

Tried logging into my FFXIV account on a different PC, and I've been temporarily shut out, and can't remember my email address

We're sorry to hear you're experiencing troubles with your Final Fantasy XIV account. We advise you to wait for a short period of time before attempting to log in again. If you can't remember your email address, try recollecting possible email addresses you may have used. If your problem persists, you may need to proceed with Square Enix's account recovery process where they may ask for your personal information for verification purposes.
询问时间:Mar 29, 2024 10:59 PM

I can't login it says my password or email is wrong

Sorry that you're experiencing login issues. It's possible you may have entered your email or password incorrectly. Ensure that you're using the correct capitalization, and disclose whether your email address has any punctuation. If you're still unable to log in, there might be a possibility that you have forgotten your password. In this case, you can select the "forgot password" option that will help you reset your password. Please note that you will need access to your registered email for this. If the problem continues, it might be a technical issue and it is advisable to wait for a while then try again.
询问时间:Mar 29, 2024 8:57 PM

Help, my account was recently hacked and suspended!

We're sorry to hear about this issue. You'll need to secure your account immediately by changing your password to protect your private information. Unfortunately, we can't reinstate accounts. Only Square Enix has the authority to suspend or unsuspend customer accounts. Please reach out to Square Enix customer support directly to report your issue. They are best equipped to help you in this situation.
询问时间:Mar 20, 2024 5:33 PM

帮助我解决Square Enix客户服务问题

Order Tracking

如何跟踪我的Square Enix订单?

本文介绍如何跟踪 Square Enix 在线商店的游戏购买情况。提供了使用以下方式进行跟踪的说明:

Device Compatibility

我可以在多个设备上玩 Square Enix 游戏吗?

是的,Square Enix 游戏可以在多个设备上玩。我们的游戏旨在与各种平台兼容,包括...

System Requirements

Square Enix 游戏的系统要求是什么?

Square Enix 游戏的系统要求可能因具体游戏而异。为了确保最佳的游戏体验,我们建议检查...

Progress Transfer


是的,Square Enix 提供了一种在设备之间传输进度的便捷方式。通过使用 Square Enix 帐户,您可以无缝...

Refunds and Cancellations

我可以退款或取消购买的 Square Enix 游戏吗?

是的,Square Enix 允许退款和取消游戏购买,但这取决于具体情况和平台。如果你买了...

Subscription Fees

玩 Square Enix 游戏需要付费吗?

不,Square Enix 不收取任何玩游戏的订阅费。他们的大多数游戏都遵循一次性购买模式,...

Age Restrictions

玩 Square Enix 游戏有年龄限制吗?

玩 Square Enix 游戏有年龄限制。每个游戏的内容和评级决定了合适的年龄段......

Language Support

Square Enix 游戏支持哪些语言?

Square Enix 游戏支持多种语言,以满足全球受众的需求。通常支持的语言包括英语、日语...