
Lowrance 客户常见问题解答



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Lowrance 设备是否与其他船用电子品牌兼容?

是的,Lowrance 设备在设计时就考虑到了兼容性,可以与各种船舶电子品牌无缝集成......

最近 Lowrance 个客户问题

Why my maps doesn’t show my current location

If your Lowrance unit's maps are not reflecting your current location, it might be due to a few reasons. Make sure you're outdoors with a clear view of the sky to improve GPS satellite reception. Check if your GPS antenna is blocked or damaged, as it may interfere with GPS reception. Lastly, ensure you have the latest updates for your device software and map data installed. Occasional inaccuracies might occur if the device's internal compass isn't calibrated, so try recalibrating it. If you’ve checked these areas and are still having trouble, there might be some technical issues with your device that require professional assistance.
询问时间:Apr 19, 2024 6:19 PM

I need help cancelling a lowrance subscription.

Lowrance products typically do not come with subscription services. However, if you're referring to a map software subscription like C-Map or the Genesis Live feature, you should find cancellation information within your account settings on their respective websites. Also, remember to remove any automated payments connected to the service from your bank or credit card. If you're still having issues, we suggest reaching out directly to the service provider related to your subscription.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 8:04 PM

How to connect ghost trolling motor to hds gen 2 touch

To connect your Ghost Trolling Motor to an HDS Gen 2 Touch, use a NMEA 2000 network. Connect your ghost trolling motor to an available port in the NMEA 2000 network and ensure your HDS Gen 2 touch is also connected to this network. Now, on your HDS touch, you'll be able to control and get status updates from your trolling motor, directly from your device's screen. Note that a NMEA 2000 starter kit might be necessary if your boat does not already have a NMEA 2000 network installed. Please ensure a secure and correct connection to avoid any damage or connectivity problems.
询问时间:Mar 31, 2024 9:43 PM

possible defective Hook2-4x unit

If you suspect your Hook2-4x unit to be defective, first try to troubleshoot common issues. Make sure cables are properly connected, power source is working, and settings are correct. If basic troubleshooting doesn't work, it might be a defect. Please note that Lowrance products are covered by a limited warranty, so your device could be repaired or replaced if it's diagnosed as defective by a Lowrance technician. For further assistance, we recommend getting in contact with Lowrance's customer support as they can provide more detailed advice and potentially arrange a repair evaluation.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 3:13 PM

I need a transducer for trolling motor for hook reveal triple shot

To attach a TripleShot transducer to your trolling motor, you will need a trolling motor mount. Lowrance does not make a specific trolling motor mount for the TripleShot transducer. However, you can use a third-party mount designed for larger transducers or you could use a specialized trolling motor adapter bracket. When attaching the transducer, ensure it's place in a position where it will remain in the water when the trolling motor is in use to get the best performance.
询问时间:Mar 14, 2024 6:05 PM



Lowrance 产品的保修期是多少?

Lowrance 产品的保修期因产品和地区而异。通常,Lowrance 提供一年有限...


哪些类型的图表与 Lowrance 设备兼容?

Lowrance 设备与各种海图兼容,可增强您的导航体验。他们支持各种流行的...

Lowrance 设备是否与其他船用电子品牌兼容?

是的,Lowrance 设备在设计时就考虑到了兼容性,可以与各种船舶电子品牌无缝集成......


我可以在盐水中使用 Lowrance 探鱼器吗?

是的,劳伦斯探鱼器可以在盐水中使用。 Lowrance 提供各种鱼探仪,专门设计用于承受...

Depth Range

Lowrance 探鱼器的最大深度范围是多少?

Lowrance 探鱼器的最大深度范围因型号而异。然而,大多数 Lowrance 探鱼器都有最大深度......


GPS 和声纳技术有什么区别?


