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Kobo Books 支持哪些付款方式?

Kobo Books 支持多种安全支付方式,为您提供便利。我们目前接受主要信用卡,例如 Visa、...
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最近 Kobo Books 个客户问题

I am calling because I have recently purchased two books and I have the books in my library but I cannot read either of these they show me a few pages and that is all.

It seems like your books may not have downloaded completely. Try deleting the books from your Kobo device or app and then re-downloading them. Here's how: 1. Open your Kobo Library, find the book you want to delete, and then press the more options button (...) next to the title. 2. Click 'Remove', then 'Remove Download'. This will delete the downloaded copy of the book, not the actual book from your library. 3. To re-download the book, simply find it again in your Kobo Library and click the download or read button. Remember to ensure you have a good internet connection during download. If you're still having issues, try restarting your device or app and try again.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 2:17 PM

My Kobo will not start up from sleeping mode and I cannot turn it off or on

It appears your Kobo eReader might be frozen. We suggest performing a basic reset: 1. Use a paperclip to press the small reset button located near the power switch or at the bottom of your Kobo. 2. If it doesn't restart, keep the power button pressed for about 15-20 seconds or until you see the power light flicker. 3. Release the button, then press and hold once more until your eReader starts. If it's still not working, you may need to perform a factory reset. This will erase all your data, so it is a last resort. To do this, press the power and light buttons simultaneously until the factory reset screen appears, then follow the instructions.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 1:40 AM

Kobo is dead but still showing update on screen and won’t charge

If your Kobo eReader is not turning on or charging, try resetting it first. To do this, find the small hole on the bottom of your Kobo, gently insert a paper clip into it until you feel a click. This will trigger a manual reset. If your eReader still does not charge, check if the charging cable and adapter are working by using them on a different device. If they're functioning okay, your Kobo might have a hardware issue. Remember not to force your Kobo to restart if it's updating as it can cause issues with your software.
询问时间:Apr 13, 2024 5:19 AM

I have a kobo Clara hd which has frozen . I cannot get access to try to rectify it

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your KOBO Clara HD. Try resetting your device. Here's how to do it: 1. Locate the small hole on the bottom of your device. 2. Gently insert a paperclip, or a similar object, into the hole. 3. Press gently until you feel a click. Your device will power off. 4. Press the power button again to turn on your device. After these steps, your Kobo Clara HD should restart and unfreeze. It's also worth noting that whenever your Kobo Clara HD freezes running out of battery might be the cause, so ensure to keep your device fully charged.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 12:35 PM

j'aimerais re-initialiser ma liseuse KOBO. mon compte à été desactivé depuis un certain temps et je ne peux pas le réactiver car je ne connais plus mon mot de passe. Mon adresse mail : wigetp@bluewin.ch

Désolé, mais nous n'avons pas la capacité de gérer les comptes individuels. Cependant, pour réinitialiser votre liseuse KOBO, allez dans "Paramètres", puis "Initialiser" et enfin "Supprimer tous les contenus". Pour réactiver votre compte, visitez le site Web de Kobo et sélectionnez "Mot de passe oublié" pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Vous recevrez un email avec les instructions sur l'adresse de courriel associée à votre compte Kobo. Suivez les instructions pour terminer le processus de réinitialisation de votre mot de passe.
询问时间:Mar 24, 2024 3:16 PM

帮助我解决Kobo Books客户服务问题


如何下载从 Kobo Books 购买的书籍?

您可以将从 Kobo Books 购买的图书下载到计算机上以 PDF 格式阅读或导出到其他设备。下载...


我可以在电子阅读器上阅读 Kobo Books 吗?

是的,您可以在电子阅读器上阅读 Kobo Books。 Kobo 提供各种电子阅读器,包括 Kobo Clara HD、Kobo Forma、Kobo...

Supported Formats

Kobo Books 支持哪些格式?

Kobo Books 支持多种格式,为用户提供多功能性。支持的主要格式是 EPUB,这是...

Syncing Progress


是的,您可以使用 Kobo Books 跨设备同步阅读进度。 Kobo 电子阅读应用程序允许无缝同步您的...

Sharing Books


是的,您可以在 Kobo Books 上与朋友分享您的书籍。 Kobo 提供了一项名为“阅读生活”的功能,可让您分享您的...

Returns and Refunds

我可以对从 Kobo Books 购买的图书进行退货或退款吗?

是的,您可以对从 Kobo Books 购买的图书进行退货或退款。 Kobo 提供特定时间范围内的无忧退货政策......

Offline Reading

我可以离线阅读Kobo Books吗?

是的,您可以离线阅读 Kobo Books。 Kobo 提供离线阅读功能,允许您将电子书下载到您的设备上...

Payment Methods

Kobo Books 支持哪些付款方式?

Kobo Books 支持多种安全支付方式,为您提供便利。我们目前接受主要信用卡,例如 Visa、...


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