Jackson Hewitt 客户常见问题解答


Jackson Hewitt 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Jackson Hewitt 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何在Jackson Hewitt中找到我的支票帐户和转账号码?

作为一流的税务准备服务机构,Jackson Hewitt 每年负责数百万份税务申报。拥有如此广泛的客户...


向 Jackson Hewitt 报税的截止日期取决于报税季节,并且每年可能有所不同。通常情况下,截止日期...
询问有关Jackson Hewitt客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Jackson Hewitt 个客户问题

How much is it for a individual W-2 tax to be filed?

The cost for filing an individual W-2 tax form with Jackson Hewitt can vary depending on the complexity of your tax situation. Jackson Hewitt offers different packages for tax preparation services, each with its own pricing. It's important to note that factors like the need for state tax filing, owning a business, or having investments might increase the cost. To get a more accurate estimate, we recommend using the online estimate tool on the Jackson Hewitt website or contacting a local Jackson Hewitt office directly.
询问时间:Mar 24, 2024 12:49 AM

I haven't received my refund and it's been over 21 days

We understand your concern. However, once your tax return has been accepted by the IRS or State Department, the timing of your refund is completely in the hands of those entities. If it's been more than 21 days since the IRS accepted your e-filed return, you can check the status of your refund with the IRS directly, by calling them or accessing their 'Where's My Refund?' tool. Bear in mind that high demand can sometimes cause delays in the refund process.
询问时间:Mar 14, 2024 2:33 PM

Can I file my taxes online with Jackson Hewitt?

Yes, you can file your taxes online with Jackson Hewitt. They offer an Online Tax Preparation service, which guides you through the process of preparing and filing your federal and state taxes. You have the option of free federal e-filing, and if you need help at any point, there is customer support available. This way, you can conveniently complete your tax return from the comfort of your own home.
询问时间:Mar 11, 2024 5:22 PM

Wondering why I haven't received my Jackson Hewitt card for my taxes yet

There could be several reasons why you haven't received your Jackson Hewitt card yet. It may be possible that the card is still in transit. Typically, the card should arrive within 7 to 10 business days after it has been issued. In certain situations, there could be delays due to shipping. Also, ensure your information like address and name were correct when you applied for the card. Please remember not to share sensitive information online or with unauthorized persons. If you still do not receive your card despite waiting for the standard duration or longer, contact Jackson Hewitt directly for assistance.
询问时间:Mar 10, 2024 9:05 AM

帮助我解决Jackson Hewitt客户服务问题

Password Reset

如何重设 Jackson Hewitt 的密码?

作为 Jackson Hewitt 客户,您希望能够随时访问您的帐户。因此,记录您的密码是......

Extension Request

我如何申请延期以向Jackson Hewitt报税?

杰克逊·休伊特 (Jackson Hewitt) 的税务专业人士富有同情心且不带偏见;因此他们明白忙碌的日程,包括旅行......

Payment Methods

我该如何与Jackson Hewitt交税?

杰克逊休伊特 (Jackson Hewitt) 因其提供的便利选择而吸引了许多客户。它利用先进的技术和办公室内...

Account Information

如何在Jackson Hewitt中找到我的支票帐户和转账号码?

作为一流的税务准备服务机构,Jackson Hewitt 每年负责数百万份税务申报。拥有如此广泛的客户...

Documentation Requirements

去杰克逊·休伊特 (Jackson Hewitt) 预约时我需要携带哪些文件?

参加杰克逊·休伊特 (Jackson Hewitt) 的预约时,您应该携带一些重要文件。这些包括您的...

Tax Filing Process

我可以向 Jackson Hewitt 在线报税吗?

是的,您可以向 Jackson Hewitt 在线报税。我们的在线报税服务为个人提供了一种便捷、安全的方式...

我可以向 Jackson Hewitt 提交州税吗?

是的,您可以向 Jackson Hewitt 提交州税。作为值得信赖且行业领先的税务准备服务,Jackson Hewitt 提供...

如果我有多份 W-2 表格,我还可以向 Jackson Hewitt 报税吗?

是的,即使您有多份 W-2 表格,您也可以向 Jackson Hewitt 报税。杰克逊休伊特有能力处理复杂的...

Fees and Discounts

向 Jackson Hewitt 报税的费用是多少?

向 Jackson Hewitt 报税的费用根据您税务情况的复杂程度而有所不同。很难提供一个...

Jackson Hewitt 是否提供报税折扣或促销活动?

是的,Jackson Hewitt 提供各种报税折扣和促销活动。他们了解在纳税期间省钱的重要性......

我可以扣除我支付给 Jackson Hewitt 的报税费吗?

是的,您也许可以扣除您支付给 Jackson Hewitt 的报税费。这些费用通常被认为是合格的...

Error Resolution

如果我的纳税申报表有误,Jackson Hewitt 的退款政策是什么?

Jackson Hewitt 致力于准确性并支持他们的工作。如果 Jackson Hewitt 准备的纳税申报表出现错误,...

Audit Support

Jackson Hewitt 是否提供任何审计支持或保护服务?


Business Taxes

即使我有营业收入或支出,我也可以向 Jackson Hewitt 报税吗?

是的,即使您有业务收入或支出,您也可以向 Jackson Hewitt 报税。杰克逊休伊特了解其中的复杂性......

Filing Deadline


向 Jackson Hewitt 报税的截止日期取决于报税季节,并且每年可能有所不同。通常情况下,截止日期...


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

