
Handy 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Handy 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Handy 接受哪些付款方式?

Handy 接受多种付款方式,为客户提供便利和灵活性。我们接受所有主要的信用卡,...

最近 Handy 个客户问题

I wanted to make a complaint. We had a chandelier install by your company through Lowes. The chandelier is falling down. We need someone to look at it . Please text me back.

We're sorry to hear about the issue with your chandelier. At Handy, we care deeply about customer satisfaction. If there are any issues with a service, we strongly encourage customers to report the issue right away. Remember to provide us with as much detail as possible about the problem. We'll do our best to resolve the issue in a timely manner. Please note, due to privacy and security reasons, we do not provide service-related communications through text. We recommend to use our official channels for support requests and concerns. Rest assured, we're here to help.
询问时间:Apr 4, 2024 12:40 PM

my pro showed up hour and half late and barely did any work

We're sorry to hear about your experience. At Handy, we strive to ensure that all our pros provide the best service possible. If your pro was late or their work did not meet your expectations, please register a complaint through your account. This feedback helps us maintain a high quality of service. In some cases, you may also be eligible for a partial or full refund depending on the specifics of your case.
询问时间:Apr 1, 2024 9:09 PM

I was charged for a service that was cancelled.

We're sorry to hear about this issue. With Handy, you should not be charged for a service that was cancelled as per our cancelation policy. If you cancel your booking 24 hours before your scheduled service, you should not be charged any fee. However, if the cancellation is within 24 hours, you may be charged a cancellation fee. If you believe there has been a mistake, we suggest reviewing your cancellation to ensure it was carried out properly and then getting in touch with Handy's customer service for further resolution.
询问时间:Mar 20, 2024 2:57 PM


Refund Process

我如何从 Handy.com 获得退款?

我们在本文中向您展示了如何从 Handy.com 获得退款。第一步是检查您要退货的具体产品...

Services Offered


Handy 提供广泛的服务,以满足各种家庭维护需求。我们训练有素的专业人员可以帮助...

Specific Professional Requests


是的,您绝对可以在通过 Handy 预订服务时请求特定的服务专业人员。我们知道拥有值得信赖的...


Handy 的服务收费是多少?

Handy 的服务收费具有竞争力且价格实惠。确切的费用取决于服务类型等因素......

Cancellation Policy

Handy 的取消政策是什么?

Handy 的取消政策允许客户在预定预约时间前 24 小时取消预订,不会受到任何处罚。...

Payment Methods

Handy 接受哪些付款方式?

Handy 接受多种付款方式,为客户提供便利和灵活性。我们接受所有主要的信用卡,...