
Fiverr 客户常见问题解答



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如何恢复我的 Fiverr 帐户?

无论您如何削减,锁定的帐户都没有乐趣。幸运的是,我们制作了这份易于遵循的指南来帮助您恢复 Fiverr 帐户......

如何删除我在 Fiverr 上的帐户?

本文提供了有关如何停用和永久删除 Fiverr 帐户的分步指南。它还解释了这个过程...

最近 Fiverr 个客户问题

I am having difficulty with the W9 form

We're sorry to hear you're experiencing troubles with the W9 form. The W-9 form is a U.S. tax form for businesses and freelancers, used by Fiverr to report your earnings to the IRS. If you have issues, it's important to check all the fields carefully, ensure your information is accurate, and compare it with your official tax documents. Remember, the fields should match the name and taxpayer ID number type (social security or employer identification number) that you'll use on your tax return. Regrettably, we can't help with specific tax-related queries; we advise you to consult a professional tax advisor for further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 2:55 PM

How Do I Delete My Account on Fiverr?

To delete your Fiverr account, first, you need to sign in. Then, click on your profile picture in the top right corner which will let you see a dropdown menu. From there, select 'Settings.' As you scroll down, you'll find the option 'Deactivate Account' under the 'Account Actions' section. Click on that. There, you'll be given choices for deactivation reasons. Select the option which fits your reason and explain why you're leaving in the provided box, then click 'Deactivate Account'. You will be asked for your password to confirm. Please note that deactivation is irreversible. All your gigs, information, and accounts will be permanently deleted.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 6:19 AM

my account was disabled by someone else

We're sorry to hear about your account. Fiverr may disable a user's account due to violations of Fiverr’s Terms of Service. If you believe your account was disabled by mistake, you should reach out to Fiverr's Customer Support team directly for resolution. Please ensure that in your communication, you provide detailed information about what happened and any relevant supportive documents/screenshots. Fiverr team will review your case and provide you with information regarding the reactivation process, if possible. Bear in mind, it may take some time, so patience is key during this process.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 11:23 AM

I need to delete a review, that contains a photo.

Unfortunately, once a review has been submitted on Fiverr, it cannot be deleted by the user. The review becomes a part of the seller's or buyer's record. However, you do get a chance to respond to the review publicly. If you believe a review violates Fiverr's policies, you can report it to Fiverr's trust and safety team, and if they find it's in violation, they may remove it. So while you can't delete a review yourself, there are options for you to react to it.
询问时间:Apr 6, 2024 6:12 PM

I want to change my display name but everytime it shows me that it's against the guidelines. My display name is Ali Shakeel and I want to change it to Muhammad Ali

On Fiverr, your username once created cannot be changed. Your display name, however, can be edited through your settings. If changing your display name to "Muhammad Ali" is coming up against the guidelines, it may be because this name is associated with a known public figure. Fiverr's guidelines prohibit the use of names that may be misleading or infringe on the rights of others. Try using a unique combination of your name that is less likely to be contested. Remember, the aim is to have a display name that truly reflects you and is easily recognisable by your potential clients.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 12:06 AM


Account Management

如何恢复我的 Fiverr 帐户?

无论您如何削减,锁定的帐户都没有乐趣。幸运的是,我们制作了这份易于遵循的指南来帮助您恢复 Fiverr 帐户......

如何删除我在 Fiverr 上的帐户?

本文提供了有关如何停用和永久删除 Fiverr 帐户的分步指南。它还解释了这个过程...

如何在 Fiverr 上创建帐户?

了解在 Fiverr(一个受自由职业者和企业欢迎的平台)上创建帐户的简单流程。这个一步步...

如何更新 Fiverr 上的付款信息?

当您在 Fiverr 上更新付款信息时,您正在升级您的自由职业工具包。通过执行以下步骤,您可以确保...


如何关闭 Fiverr 的通知?

Fiverr 用户可以自定义其通知首选项来管理消息、订单更新等。本文解释了如何...

Fiverr Basics

Fiverr 演出是什么以及它们如何运作?

Fiverr 零工是自由职业者(称为卖家)在 Fiverr 平台上提供的服务。这些演出涵盖范围广泛。选择演出后,买家可以通过指定项目详细信息、截止日期和任何其他要求来下订单。然后,卖家会审核订单,并可能在需要时要求进一步说明。之后,卖方开始进行该项目并在约定的时间内交付已完成的工作。如有必要,买家可以提供反馈并要求修改。一旦买方满意,卖方就会因其服务而获得报酬,并且订单被视为完成。 Fiverr 演出为买家和卖家提供了一个简单且简化的流程,以便有效协作......

Fiverr 促销和折扣如何运作?

Fiverr 促销和折扣通过在平台内的各种服务上提供独家优惠和折扣来发挥作用。这些限时...


我可以在 Fiverr 上申请退款吗?

是的,Fiverr 确实提供退款政策以确保客户满意度。如果您对交付的工作不满意,您可以要求...

Seller Levels

Fiverr 级别是什么以及它们如何影响卖家?

Fiverr 级别是一个排名系统,根据卖家在平台上的表现和经验对卖家进行分类。有四个...

Fiverr Pro

Fiverr Pro 是什么?它与普通 Fiverr 有何不同?

Fiverr Pro 是 Fiverr 提供的一项独家服务,它将企业和个人与高技能专业人士联系起来......


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

