DraftKings 客户常见问题解答



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我如何从 Draftkings 获得退款?



DraftKings 是一家美国体育博彩提供商,每天和每周都有奖金收入比赛。注册 DraftKings 时...

最近 DraftKings 个客户问题

Hello, what alternative can I use to register if I don't have an ssn?

Unfortunately, to participate in paid contests on DraftKings, you’re required to have a valid social security number. This helps DraftKings ensure all users comply with regulations and legal requirements. If you don't have a valid Social Security Number, you cannot register for paid contests in DraftKings. You can, however, still register to play free contests. We don't recommend using alternatives to your SSN due to the potential for misuse and fraud. Remember to never reveal your SSN to anyone yuo don't trust.
询问时间:Apr 28, 2024 6:28 PM

My account is restricted and i would like to withdraw but it wont let me

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your account. In most cases, DraftKings restricts accounts due to any suspicious activity or if some necessary verification details are outstanding. Before any withdrawal, it is required to verify your account which includes your identity and your address. If these are not verified or if there is any issue in your account then you might face trouble in withdrawal. For your case, it's recommended to resolve any pending issues on your account and verify your details. Once your account status is back to normal, you should be able to make your withdrawal.
询问时间:Apr 25, 2024 10:22 AM

My draftking account is linked to my old number

If your DraftKings account is linked to an outdated phone number, it's recommended that you update your profile as soon as possible to maintain account security. Navigate to "My Account" and then to "Account Details." Here you'll be able to update your phone number. Remember to verify the new number once changed. If you experience any difficulty in updating your phone number, consider reaching out to DraftKings Customer Support for help. Always remember to keep your personal account information up-to-date to avoid potential issues.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 5:58 PM

I have a restriction on my account. I sent you all the documents that you're asked for but you're still won't remove the restriction of my account.

We apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing. However, us being an assistant, we cannot directly access account details or personal information for security reasons. Usually, DraftKings' Customer Experience team is diligent about verifying documents and resolving any account restrictions. It may take some time if there's high volume of queries. Make sure you've submitted clear, readable copies of your documents. If the restriction still persists, it may be due to other reasons such as a policy violation or other account-related issues. Please wait for a response from DraftKings' support team, as they are the best equipped to handle your situation. We appreciate your patience.
询问时间:Apr 19, 2024 8:03 PM

Money taken from my account without permission

We're really sorry to hear about this. At DraftKings, we take the safety and security of our users and their funds very seriously. Unauthorized access or transactions are treated with utmost priority. We suggest you immediately change your password and notify us so we can look into this for you. Rest assured, once we receive your complaint, we will investigate the matter. Based on the investigation findings, further steps will be taken, which could include crediting the amount back to your account if the transactions are proven to be unauthorized.
询问时间:Apr 16, 2024 4:29 PM


Account Management

我如何从 Draftkings 获得退款?



DraftKings 是一家美国体育博彩提供商,每天和每周都有奖金收入比赛。注册 DraftKings 时...


本文讨论了您的 DraftKings 帐户被锁定的情况。帐户被锁定的最常见原因...

我可以更改我在 DraftKings 上的用户名吗?

是的,您可以在 DraftKings 上更改您的用户名。为此,只需登录您的帐户并转到“帐户设置”部分即可。从...

我可以拥有多个 DraftKings 帐户吗?

不可以,DraftKings 严格禁止用户拥有多个帐户。每个玩家只能拥有一个帐户,以便...

Payment Methods

DraftKings 接受哪些付款方式?


Deposit Limits

DraftKings 的最低和最高存款限额是多少?

DraftKings 的最低和最高存款限额可能会有所不同,具体取决于您选择的付款方式和所在位置。对于大多数...

Age Requirements

参加 DraftKings 的年龄要求是多少?

在 DraftKings 上玩游戏的年龄要求由用户所在的司法管辖区决定。在大多数情况下,玩家必须至少...


使用 DraftKings 需要支付任何费用吗?

不需要,使用 DraftKings 不收取任何费用。作为每日幻想体育平台,DraftKings 提供免费注册并...

Rewards Program

什么是 DraftKings 奖励计划?

DraftKings 奖励计划是一项忠诚度计划,旨在奖励 DraftKings 的频繁用户并为其提供额外福利...