Costco Travel 客户常见问题解答


Costco Travel 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Costco Travel 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以通过 Costco Travel 预订的目的地有任何限制吗?

您可以通过 Costco Travel 预订的目的地没有限制。我们提供广泛的选择,包括国内...
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最近 Costco Travel 个客户问题

What happens if I can’t show up on the check in day?

If you cannot show up on the check-in day, it may result in reservation cancellation depending on the specific terms and conditions of the hotel or service provider. Penalties can also apply for no-shows. Every vendor has unique cancellation and no-show policies, so we highly recommend checking these details before booking. If you anticipate issues with your arrival, contact the provider directly as soon as possible. They might be able to accommodate a late check-in or revisions to your reservation to avoid significant penalties.
询问时间:Mar 22, 2024 8:34 PM

What happens if I I show up one day late for check in? For example, if my flight gets delayed or cancelled. Will the hotel cancel my whole stay?

The hotel's policy regarding late check-ins may differ depending on the specifics of the hotel. While some hotels may hold your room reservation for you, others might cancel it if you don't check in on the expected date. It's important to directly contact your hotel in cases of late arrival due to a delayed or cancelled flight. As soon as you know about the delay, ensure you notify them to discuss the situation. Please keep in mind that you will generally not receive a refund for the first night you missed, since it was reserved for you, even if you couldn't make it.
询问时间:Mar 22, 2024 8:28 PM

帮助我解决Costco Travel客户服务问题


Costco 旅行是什么?

Costco Travel 是一家专业在线旅行社,为 Costco 会员提供独家优惠和折扣。它提供了广泛的...

Costco Travel 提供哪些类型的旅行套餐?

Costco Travel 提供多种旅行套餐,以满足不同的喜好和预算。他们提供各种套餐...


Costco 旅行度假套餐包括一系列组件,旨在为客户提供便捷且全方位的体验。...



在 Costco Travel,取消和退款政策根据预订类型和供应商条款而有所不同。对于度假套餐,...

通过 Costco Travel 预订是否需要支付任何额外费用?

不需要,通过 Costco Travel 预订无需支付任何额外费用。我们的价格已经包括所有必要的税费、政府……


是的,您可以更改 Costco Travel 的现有预订。我们知道计划可能会改变,因此我们提供灵活性......


我可以通过 Costco Travel 预订赚取 Costco 现金或奖励吗?

是的,客户可以通过 Costco Travel 预订赚取 Costco 现金或奖励。 Costco 行政会员有资格赚取...

我可以使用 Costco 会员资格享受旅行预订折扣吗?

是的,您可以使用 Costco 会员资格通过 Costco Travel 享受旅行预订折扣。作为 Costco 会员,您可以...


Costco Travel 提供旅行保险吗?

是的,Costco Travel 提供旅行保险,让您在旅途中更加安心。他们明白,意外的情况......


我可以通过 Costco Travel 预订的目的地有任何限制吗?

您可以通过 Costco Travel 预订的目的地没有限制。我们提供广泛的选择,包括国内...

