Behringer 客户常见问题解答



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各种贝林格产品系列可满足不同的需求和预算。以下是它们差异的详细说明: 1. 入门级系列:这些产品面向初学者和预算紧张的人。虽然仍然提供优质的声音,但它们的功能可能更少,设计也更简单。 2. 中端系列:针对半专业人士和爱好者,该系列将实惠性与增强的功能和更好的整体性能结合在一起。它提供了功能和价格之间的平衡。 3. 专业系列:该系列拥有高品质的结构、先进的功能和卓越的声音再现,非常适合专业人士和高级用户。它们通常包括行业标准的连接选项和强大的构建质量。 4.录音室系列:主要为录音室设计,优先考虑准确的声音再现和低噪音水平。它们提供先进的控制选项和信号处理功能,以实现出色的录音和混音效果。 5. DJ系列:专为DJ量身定制,该系列注重耐用性、多功能性和易用性。它们通常包括多通道、效果和直观控制等功能,以增强现场表演。请记住,每个系列中的具体产品可能会有所不同,因此有必要检查各个详细信息以全面了解其独特属性......

最近 Behringer 个客户问题

I am a bass player and want to know if I can plug my bass guitar directly into the Toro bass synth unit. I am trying to emulate the sound of the Taurus foot pedals!

Yes, you can plug your bass guitar directly into the Behringer Toro synth. The Toro Bass has inputs that you can use to connect your instrument. However, please note that getting the exact Taurus foot pedals sound might require careful tweaking of the Toro's controls. It's built with a multitude of sound shaping controls that you can adjust to get the desired sound. You may need to experiment with the different settings and parameters until you reach the sound you want.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 6:34 AM

I am a bass player and want to know if I can plug my bass guitar into the Toro Bass synth unit using a 1/4” cable.

Absolutely! The Behringer Toro Bass Synth can indeed accept a bass guitar input via a 1/4" cable. Just plug in the 1/4" cable into the input jack on the Toro Bass Synth unit from your bass guitar. Ensure also that everything is powered properly and that your audio output on your synth is connected to either a speaker or an audio interface. Enjoy exploring the iconic tones that the synth unit provides!
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 6:23 AM

Is the X Touch compact compatible with Adobe Audition on Windows 10

Yes, the Behringer X-Touch Compact is compatible with Adobe Audition on Windows 10. You can use it to control various functions in Adobe Audition thanks to its in-built MCU (Mackie Control Universal) protocol. Remember to set up your software and hardware settings properly to ensure smooth operation. You may need to go into Adobe Audition's preferences and ensure that it's set to the correct control surface setting (i.e., Mackie) for best results.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 4:18 PM

compatibility with Adobe Audition

Behringer equipment is generally compatible with Adobe Audition. Adobe Audition, being a comprehensive toolset for audio production, supports a wide range of external hardware including mixers, interfaces, and microphones from Behringer. However, specific compatibility can occasionally vary depending on the model of your Behringer equipment and the version of Adobe Audition you are using. Always make sure you have the latest drivers installed for your Behringer hardware to ensure optimal compatibility and performance.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 4:16 PM

I paid over $500.00 for my Behringer X Touch which is not working. Why do I need to pay another $46.00 for support? I cannot connect my Beringer to Pro Tools (X Touch One or X Touch Universal)

We're sorry to hear about the issues you're facing with your Behringer X Touch. When connecting to Pro Tools, make sure you properly configured the Behringer X Touch as your control surface in Pro Tools settings. Also, check if you are using the latest firmware for your Behringer X Touch. If your problems persist, it might be due to the hardware issue or compatibility issue with the version of Pro Tools that you're using. Regarding the support cost, Behringer's policy might require charges for certain types of technical support, but it's unfortunate if you're facing charges after buying a high-value product. This might depend on the nature of your issue, warranty period, and conditions.
询问时间:Apr 14, 2024 6:03 PM



Behringer 产品的保修期是多少?

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我可以将 Behringer 产品与其他品牌的设备一起使用吗?

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Behringer 产品与 Mac/Windows 操作系统兼容吗?

是的,Behringer 产品与 Mac 和 Windows 操作系统兼容。贝林格 (Behringer) 致力于确保他们的产品能够...

Service Centers

我附近有授权的 Behringer 服务中心吗?

是的,您附近有授权的 Behringer 服务中心。我们在全球拥有广泛的授权服务中心网络...

Return Policy




Behringer 是否为初学者提供任何教育资源或教程?



我可以直接从网站购买 Behringer 产品吗?

是的,客户可以直接从我们的网站方便地购买 Behringer 产品。我们的在线商店提供用户友好的界面...

Payment Methods

Behringer 网站接受哪些付款方式?

在 Behringer 网站上,我们接受多种付款方式,为客户提供便利和灵活性。您可以安全地...

Product Series


各种贝林格产品系列可满足不同的需求和预算。以下是它们差异的详细说明: 1. 入门级系列:这些产品面向初学者和预算紧张的人。虽然仍然提供优质的声音,但它们的功能可能更少,设计也更简单。 2. 中端系列:针对半专业人士和爱好者,该系列将实惠性与增强的功能和更好的整体性能结合在一起。它提供了功能和价格之间的平衡。 3. 专业系列:该系列拥有高品质的结构、先进的功能和卓越的声音再现,非常适合专业人士和高级用户。它们通常包括行业标准的连接选项和强大的构建质量。 4.录音室系列:主要为录音室设计,优先考虑准确的声音再现和低噪音水平。它们提供先进的控制选项和信号处理功能,以实现出色的录音和混音效果。 5. DJ系列:专为DJ量身定制,该系列注重耐用性、多功能性和易用性。它们通常包括多通道、效果和直观控制等功能,以增强现场表演。请记住,每个系列中的具体产品可能会有所不同,因此有必要检查各个详细信息以全面了解其独特属性......


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

