Animal Jam 客户常见问题解答


如何联系Animal Jam客户服务?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Animal Jam 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何取回被黑的 Animaljam 帐户?

您可以采取一些步骤来帮助恢复被黑的 AnimalJam 帐户。首先,联系 AnimalJam 支持部门寻求帮助。考虑提供...

如何恢复被暂停的 Animaljam 帐户?

当您发现 Animal Jam 帐户被暂停时,您可以采取措施恢复帐户并享受游戏。如果暂停是暂时的,...
询问有关Animal Jam客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Animal Jam 个客户问题

Because my password or username isn’t working

If your username or password isn't working in Animal Jam, ensure that you're inputting them correctly as both are case-sensitive. Try resetting your password by clicking on the "Forgot your Password?" link on the login page. This will send a password reset email to the address linked to your account. If you've forgotten your username, ask your parent to log into their parent dashboard to see your username. If these methods still don't get you into your account, it's possible your account has been temporarily suspended or permanently banned due to a rules violation.
询问时间:Mar 29, 2024 10:49 AM

i think my animal account got hacked

We're sorry to hear about this. If you suspect that your Animal Jam account was hacked, it's important to act quickly. First, try to log into your account and change your password to something unique and difficult for others to guess. If there are any purchases or activity on your account that you did not make, report this to Animal Jam's customer service immediately. It's also a good idea to ensure your email account associated with your Animal Jam account is secure. Finally, never share your account information with anyone, even friends, to reduce the risk of this happening in the future.
询问时间:Mar 27, 2024 3:01 PM

帮助我解决Animal Jam客户服务问题

Account Recovery

如何取回被黑的 Animaljam 帐户?

您可以采取一些步骤来帮助恢复被黑的 AnimalJam 帐户。首先,联系 AnimalJam 支持部门寻求帮助。考虑提供...

如何恢复被暂停的 Animaljam 帐户?

当您发现 Animal Jam 帐户被暂停时,您可以采取措施恢复帐户并享受游戏。如果暂停是暂时的,...


如何从Animal Jam中退款?

本文概述了如何申请 Animal Jam 退款。如果您是需要退款的 Animal Jam 客户,本指南将帮助您...

Account Management

我可以在 Animal Jam 帐户之间转移物品或货币吗?

不可以,Animal Jam 帐户之间无法转移物品或货币。每个帐户都设计有自己独立的...

Safety Tips

在玩 Animal Jam 时有哪些安全提示?

玩 Animal Jam 时,有几个提示可以确保您的安全。首先,切勿分享个人信息,例如您的真实...

System Requirements

玩 Animal Jam 有哪些系统要求?

要玩 Animal Jam,您需要具有一定系统要求的计算机或移动设备。对于 Windows 用户,最低要求...

Age Restrictions

玩 Animal Jam 有年龄限制吗?

是的,Animal Jam 有年龄限制,以确保为所有玩家提供安全且适当的游戏环境。该游戏专为...

Mobile Compatibility

我可以在移动设备上玩《Animal Jam》吗?

是的,您绝对可以在移动设备上玩《Animal Jam》! Animal Jam 有一个移动应用程序,可在 iOS 和 Android 上下载...