
7-Eleven 客户常见问题解答


7-Eleven 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 7-Eleven 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如果我不申领 7-11 礼品卡,会发生什么?

在为自己或他人购买 7-11 礼品卡时,请务必注意收据上的到期日期......

在哪里可以找到我的 7-11 帐号?

一旦您知道在哪里查找,您就可以在需要时轻松找到您的 7-11 帐号。如果您最近使用过购买...

最近 7-Eleven 个客户问题

I need to access my 7eleven rewards account but don't have the same phone nor remember the password

If you can't access your 7-Eleven rewards account because you don't have the same phone or remember the password, we recommend using the account recovery option offered in the app or on the 7-Eleven website. You might need to provide your registered email address to reset your password and regain access to your account.
询问时间:Jun 29, 2024 6:31 PM

How do I redeem my 7-Eleven reward points to my new number

You can redeem your 7-Eleven reward points to your new number by following these steps: 1. Launch the 7-Rewards app or visit the 7-Eleven website. 2. Sign in to your account using your previous phone number and password. 3. Go to the ‘Account’ section in the app or on the webpage and select ‘Account Details.’ 4. Here, you can edit your personal information and change your registered phone number to the new one. 5. Once you update your number, any points or rewards tied to your account should now be associated with your new number. Remember to always keep your personal details updated to maximize your 7-Eleven rewards benefits.
询问时间:Jun 20, 2024 5:24 AM

No longer have access to phone on 711 account so I can't login... but I still use the number every day. How do I change it

If you've lost access to your 7-Eleven account due to a change in phone number and can't log in, you'll need to update it. Unfortunately, for security reasons, you can't change the phone number on your own if you can't login. However, you can solve the issue by reaching out to 7-Eleven customer service. They have teams in place to help with these types of situations. The link to 7-Eleven's updated contact information is right here on this page that you're viewing. Reach out to them, provide the necessary identification, and they should be able to assist you further.
询问时间:May 6, 2024 7:34 AM

I want my 7-11 wallet cancelled and my money refunded

In order to cancel your 7-Eleven wallet and request a refund, you would need to go into a 7-Eleven store and speak with a representative in person. They will instruct you on the cancellation process and how to proceed with your refund request. Depending on the amount of money in your wallet and the store’s policies, you may be able to receive your refund immediately or it may take a few business days. Please remember to take your identification and any other related documents with you when you go into the store.
询问时间:Mar 6, 2024 3:20 PM

Refund for order # 1709130557959042

I'm sorry, but as a FAQ response, we do not have access to individual order information or the ability to process refunds. For your request regarding a refund, please directly contact 7-Eleven customer service or visit the nearest 7-Eleven store with your receipt. They will be able to check the status of your order and assist with your refund request.
询问时间:Feb 29, 2024 6:16 PM


Delivery Issues

如何报告 7-11 送货问题?

当您的 7-11 配送出现问题时,可以使用多种选项来解决问题。致电 7-11 客户支持...

当 USPS 的 7-11 递送缺失时,我该怎么办?

7-11 送货缺失可能会令人沮丧,但您可以联系 7-11 客户支持寻求帮助。你还拥有...

如何向 7-11 投诉送货延迟?

面对 7-11 的迟到送货可能会令人沮丧,但通过执行以下步骤,您可以有效地表达您的疑虑并...

Account Management

如果我不申领 7-11 礼品卡,会发生什么?

在为自己或他人购买 7-11 礼品卡时,请务必注意收据上的到期日期......

在哪里可以找到我的 7-11 帐号?

一旦您知道在哪里查找,您就可以在需要时轻松找到您的 7-11 帐号。如果您最近使用过购买...

可以合并两个 7-11 帐户吗?

管理多个帐户可能会很麻烦。将两个独立的 7-11 帐户合并为一个,可简化用户体验...

如何将 7-11 礼品卡转移到另一个帐户?

通过遵循适当的程序,可以有效地在帐户之间转移 7-11 礼品卡。始终检查资格...

如何解锁我的 7-11 帐户?

使用 7-11 官方网站专为...设计的自助服务工具,可以轻松完成解锁您的 7-11 帐户。

Customer Service



在 7-11 购买的产品可以退货吗?

是的,顾客可以退回在 7-11 购买的产品。 7-11 对大多数商品都有无忧退货政策。如果客户是...

7-11 接受哪些付款方式?


7-11 购物的退款政策是什么?

在 7-11,我们致力于为尊贵的顾客提供最佳的购物体验。我们的退款政策确保客户满意......

7-11 是否提供任何食品或产品召回服务?

在 7-11,我们优先考虑顾客的安全和福祉。在极少数情况下发生食品或产品召回事件,我们...

使用 7-11 礼品卡有任何限制吗?

使用 7-11 礼品卡有一些限制和限制。首先,礼品卡不能兑换现金。他们是...

Rewards Program

什么是 7-11 奖励计划以及它如何运作?

7-11 奖励计划是一项忠诚度计划,旨在为常客提供折扣和奖励。为了参加,...

Mobile App


是的,有 7-11 应用程序可供下载。 7-11 应用程序可以轻松地从 Apple App Store 和 Google 下载...

Job Opportunities


是的,7-11 为有兴趣加入我们团队的个人提供工作机会。我们相信提供就业机会...

Online Orders

我可以在线订购商品并在 7-11 便利店取货吗?

是的,您现在可以在线订购产品,然后在最近的 7-11 商店取货。只需访问我们的网站或下载 7-11...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 7-Eleven 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
已向 GetHuman 报告 7-Eleven 个问题