"Thanks for calling Expedia. Press one for English.
Your call may be recorded or monitored to train agents, ensure a quality experience.
If you're calling with questions related to the merging of Expedia, Hotels dot com and Vrbo accounts, press
Select an option when you hear it, and I'll get you to the right place for help.
To cancel a booking, press one. For help with flight credit, press two.
If the air Got it. Find details about a booking.
To better help you, we need to know what type of booking you have."
与 Expedia (Canada) 的通话摘录
Sunday, January 28, 2024 11:21 PM
"Thanks for calling Expedia.
Press one for English.
Your call may be recorded or monitored to train agents, ensure a quality to better help you, we need to know what type of booking you have.
If you know the phone number associated with your booking, please press one."
与 Expedia (Canada) 的通话摘录
Thursday, December 26, 2024 9:53 PM
"Thanks for calling Expedia.
Press one for English.
Your call may be recorded or monitored to train agents, ensure a quality experience, and help resolve any questions you may have.
For more info on how we use
To better help you, we need to know what type of booking you have.
To get you to the right place, please enter your"