Misfit.com 客户问答


至于联系 Misfit.com,您无法与客户服务代理进行实时电话交谈。相反,您需要查看其网站上的帮助文章,看看是否有符合您问题的内容。您最终可能可以提交一份描述您问题的表格,然后收到客户服务团队成员发来的电子邮件。


hi my name is Mary Christina bowden and I have a big problem with misfit because for so...
Misfits Market has all of a sudden started sending me groceries after months of no acti...
My name is Charlotte Jones, I want to cancel Misfits service. Their so call Customer Se...
HY!! MY NAME IS AL OCONNOR AT genbuscorp@comcast,net *********** i dont...
Had to enter card number to view, prices are extremely high. I didnt choose a weekly d...
You charged my account $**.** for an order I did not place and did not want to place...
I need to cancel my misfit market account
Im trying to order a gift card….I find info on it but never a way to order.
I received a box, I never ordered in the name of Mercedes Castellanos in the ** Harriet...
************Charged without my consent. *Doesn't have a contact number*Unable to log on...
I want to order Swordfish. When I click on my item Wild Swordfish, ** Oz, the descript...
I was charged $** on my cash app card ending in ****. I did not place an order with yo...
I was charged $** on my cash app card and I did not place an order with you. Please re...
i want to cancel my account
I ordered and paid for my recent Misfits Produce Order just as I always do. I order ro...



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