
JCPenney 客户常见问题解答


JCPenney 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 JCPenney 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何更改 JC Penney 信用卡上的姓名?

您可以随时更改 JC Penney 信用卡上的姓名。如果您想更改名称,请联系支持团队...

拥有 JC Penney 信用卡有什么好处?

拥有 JC Penney 信用卡可为客户带来诸多好处。首先,持卡人可以获得独家折扣、促销……

最近 JCPenney 个客户问题

How can i chat with a representative

You can chat with a JCPenney representative through the JCPenney website. On the customer service page, click on "Chat with us" option which is typically available at the bottom right side of the page. This feature is typically available 24 hours, 7 days a week. However, keep in mind that there might be times when the chat function is unavailable due to high demand or after business hours. We recommend having your order number or account information at hand to facilitate any inquiries or troubleshooting they may assist you with.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 4:21 PM

Can I get a refund if clothes don't fit

Yes, you can. JCPenney has a flexible return policy for items that do not fit. You can return the item to JCPenney in its original condition with the receipt, and tags attached, either by mail or at any of their store locations. Returns are usually processed to the original form of payment. However, please be aware that certain items may have specific return policies, so always check with the store or online for details.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 6:43 AM

Can you send me the address of JCPenny stores that does alterations please

We're sorry, but we can't provide a list of specific JCPenney locations that offer alterations. However, many JCPenney stores do have alteration services, usually associated with the sales of their formal wear or in-store Sephora locations. We recommend calling your nearest JCPenney store directly to confirm if they offer this service.
询问时间:Apr 3, 2024 4:45 AM


Black Friday Deals

如何查找 JC Penney 黑色星期五优惠?

购物爱好者应该充分利用零售商在黑色星期五期间提供的优惠。 GetHuman 致力于帮助您获得...

如何订购 JC Penney 黑色星期五活动?

如果您想订购 JC Penney 黑色星期五活动,您可以查看其网站上的选项。这些优惠可以帮助您...

我如何将黑色星期五特卖商品退回 JC Penney?

本文介绍了 JC Penney 客户如何退回在黑色星期五促销中购买的商品。如果您最近购买过...

Cyber Monday Deals

如何查找 JC Penney 的网络星期一优惠?

JC Penny 是一家连锁店,同时提供多种商品。在网络星期一促销期间,JC Penny 提供以下商品折扣:

如何订购 JC Penney 网络星期一活动?

订购 JC Penney 网络星期一活动非常简单。您可以在线下订单,享受各种商品的惊人折扣......

如何将 JC Penney 网络星期一特卖商品退回?

本文介绍如何退回在 JC Penney 黑色星期五促销活动期间购买的商品。详细说明...

Account Management

如何更改 JC Penney 信用卡上的姓名?

您可以随时更改 JC Penney 信用卡上的姓名。如果您想更改名称,请联系支持团队...

拥有 JC Penney 信用卡有什么好处?

拥有 JC Penney 信用卡可为客户带来诸多好处。首先,持卡人可以获得独家折扣、促销……

Order Tracking

如何追踪我的 JC Penney 订单?

JC Penney 可以通过他们的跟踪页面轻松跟踪您的订单。您可以输入您的电话号码和订单号或登录...

Return Policy

JC Penney 退货政策是什么?

JC Penney 的退货政策旨在确保客户满意度。我们很乐意接受购买后 60 天内的退货,并且...


JC Penney 的退款流程通常需要大约 5-7 个工作日才能完成。一旦收到并处理退回的物品...


是的,JC Penney 允许顾客在店内退回网上购买的商品。这种方便的退货政策使客户能够避免...

Payment Options

JC Penney 接受哪些类型的付款方式?

JC Penney 接受各种类型的付款方式,为客户提供便利和灵活性。在我们的商店,您可以购买...


是的,JC Penney 允许在销售前对购买的商品进行价格调整。如果您购买了一件商品,然后它开始打折......


JC Penney 提供礼品包装服务吗?

是的,JC Penney 提供礼品包装服务,以增强客户的整体送礼体验。我们的敬业团队成员是...

JC Penney 商店提供改衣服务吗?

是的,JC Penney 商店提供改衣服务,以确保您购买的服装完美合身。我们技术精湛的专业团队...

