Cuisinart 客户常见问题解答


Cuisinart 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Cuisinart 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Cuisinart 提供任何烹饪技巧或食谱吗?

是的,Cuisinart 提供广泛的烹饪技巧和食谱来启发和指导家庭厨师。该品牌深知重要性...

最近 Cuisinart 个客户问题

I would like to purchas a new gasket or "O" ring for the lid of a carafe that goes with a Cuisinart coffeemaker

You can purchase a replacement gasket or "O" ring for your Cuisinart coffeemaker directly from Cuisinart's official website or any authorized Cuisinart dealer. Be sure to know the exact model of your coffeemaker before you purchase, as different models may require different kinds of gaskets. Also, it is important to buy genuine Cuisinart replacement parts to ensure the best fit, reliability, and performance.
询问时间:May 1, 2024 3:57 PM

All three lights are flashing when using single serve coffee maker

The three lights flashing on your Cuisinart single serve coffee maker could be due to a few different reasons. The first, and the most common, is that there may be calcium buildup in your machine. In this case, run a descaling cycle according to your user manual. The second possibility is that the coffee maker might be overheating, and it may need to be switched off and unplugged to cool down. The third potential cause is a system error. When this occurs, you'll need to reset your machine by unplugging it for a few minutes and waiting before plugging it back in. If the issue persists, please contact customer service or an authorized repair center.
询问时间:Apr 13, 2024 5:55 PM




本指南解释了 Cuisinart 客户在发现商品故障后如何提交保修索赔。如果您购买了...

Cuisinart 产品的保修期是多少?

Cuisinart 产品的保修期因具体商品而异。我们的大多数产品都具有有限的三年...

Cuisinart 保修包含哪些内容?

Cuisinart 保修为您购买的产品提供全面的保障。它包括自...起的 3 年有限保修期。


Cuisinart 保修索赔的处理时间可能有所不同,但我们努力为客户提供及时的解决方案。一般来说,...


Cuisinart 产品的退货政策是什么?

Cuisinart 为其产品提供无忧退货政策。如果您对购买的产品不完全满意,您可以退货...


我可以直接从网站购买 Cuisinart 产品吗?

是的,客户可以直接从我们的官方网站方便地购买 Cuisinart 产品。通过访问我们的网站,您可以访问...


Cuisinart 对于产品召回的政策是什么?

Cuisinart 致力于确保客户的安全和满意度。如果发生产品召回,我们的政策是...


Cuisinart 网站接受什么类型的付款方式?

Cuisinart 在其网站上接受多种付款方式,确保便捷无忧的购物体验。客户可以...

Dishwasher Safe

Cuisinart 产品可用洗碗机清洗吗?

是的,Cuisinart 产品通常可用洗碗机清洗。他们的大多数炊具、烘焙用具和厨房用具都设计为洗碗机......

Cooking Tips

Cuisinart 提供任何烹饪技巧或食谱吗?

是的,Cuisinart 提供广泛的烹饪技巧和食谱来启发和指导家庭厨师。该品牌深知重要性...

