Oticon Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Oticon customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 9 issue(s) reported November 19, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I currently use two Oticon hearing aids that I mainly control through the iPhone. I find the Control Center on the iPhone more convenient than the Oticon app due to its speed. I've been considering getting an Apple Watch for easier accessibility, but I'm aware that the Oticon app might not be as fast on it. Can you confirm if the Oticon app for the watch is efficient? Switching between presets unintentionally on my phone happens, so I prefer doing it directly on the hearing aids. Can you guide me on how to change presets on the aids? I tested the t-coil setting in a theater recently, but the sound quality was poor. Should I consult my audiologist to adjust the settings for a better experience? Lastly, I'm looking for affordable replacements for the mold parts that often get clogged with wax. I saw some on Amazon but found them pricey. Where else can I find them at a more reasonable cost? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-irisdudm on Monday, November 19, 2018 4:20 PM
I am currently facing an issue with my Oticon TV Adapter 3.0. I have connected it to my sound system using TOSLINK correctly. However, whether I connect the adapter to the sound system (surround sound amp/tuner with speakers) or directly to my TV (Sony Bravia BR 65 inch 900E), I am experiencing the same problem. The sound from my Oticon OPN 1 hearing aids is out of phase with the sound from the surround sound system. The sound from my aids lags behind the sound system. It works fine when I mute the system sound, but then no one else can hear the TV sound. I am looking for a solution to synchronize the input to my aids with the sound system so that they are in phase. Any assistance on how to resolve this issue and make the Oticon TV Adapter function properly would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-dknizemd on Friday, June 21, 2019 12:30 AM
My mother-in-law bought a hearing aid from Mass Audiology for her left ear, being deaf in her right ear. She also got insurance. She lost the first one a year later due to her dementia. We used the insurance for a replacement in May [redacted]. Recently, we found the lost hearing aid and took it back to Mass Audiology for cleaning and a new battery. Surprisingly, it turned out to be the original one with the same serial number. They said they might not fix it if sent for repair since they already replaced it. I was confused but took it back, considering her age and condition. I wonder if the company can keep or refuse to fix it if sent for repair. Best, Sarah H.
Reported by GetHuman-sehague on Monday, September 23, 2019 4:41 PM
I recently purchased new hearing aids for $[redacted], but I am experiencing issues with them. Even in quiet environments, they emit a sea shell-like sound, which becomes overpowering when turned up to hear conversations. The noise begins a few seconds after turning the hearing aids on and only stops when I mute them using the app. My audiologist dismisses this concern, asking me to "get used to it." I have an appointment scheduled for Friday, 27 September, and if the problem persists, I plan to return these hearing aids and explore other options, such as Costco.
Reported by GetHuman-stubbste on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 8:20 PM
Jeannete H. bought an Oticon hearing aid and got insurance. She lost it, Oticon replaced it, but then she found the original after losing the replacement. The hearing aid professional said it needed repair. When they realized it was the replaced one, they couldn't send it back as the company would keep it. This situation is confusing. Please clarify.
Reported by GetHuman3720456 on Monday, October 7, 2019 5:56 PM
I purchased Z Power charger and batteries for my hearing aids, but they have not worked well. I recently learned about Oticon's program to replace faulty charging systems and batteries, which unfortunately ended in September. I was only offered 2 years of normal batteries instead. I am disappointed with the lack of customer service and considering switching to a different company. Not sure if anyone can help, but wanted to share my experience. Feel free to share this on your comment page.
Reported by GetHuman4066119 on Monday, December 9, 2019 3:41 PM
On April 24, [redacted], I purchased an Octicon hearing aid for $2,[redacted] from a local hearing aid facility. After trying it and realizing it didn't provide the volume I needed compared to my analog one, I returned it, incurring a $[redacted] restocking fee. In April [redacted], I revisited the agent for testing. Despite being informed this was the best Octicon model for my severe hearing issue (though the analog was sufficient), I still face hearing difficulties. The agent suggested sending it back to Oticon for a casing remake, which would leave me without a hearing aid for two weeks. Additionally, they proposed buying a spare, which didn't resolve the issue as neither Octicon aid worked adequately. Though the audiologist is friendly, her availability is limited. With analogs no longer an option, and having worn a $2,[redacted] hearing aid in one ear for over 60 years due to a failed operation, it seems the problem persists due to a one-size-fits-all approach that might need correction by involving Oticon directly.
Reported by GetHuman6062990 on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 11:49 PM
I have been using Oticon hearing aids for 15 years now, and these are my third pair. Over time, each new set has improved, but recently I have encountered some issues that even two specialists could not explain. My hearing aids unexpectedly reboot multiple times a day, sometimes one at a time, and I hear eight dings followed by a 2-second pause four times daily, with no clear cause. Despite sending them in for repair while under warranty, the problem persists. I rely on Bluetooth for my phone and TV, where previously the aids would switch automatically to the phone when it rang, but now they do not. Both of my TV A3 models exhibit the same issue, making me suspect the problem lies with the aids themselves. Although my aids are 3 years old and I cannot afford a new set currently, I still value them greatly. Apologies for the lengthy message. - Doug W.
Reported by GetHuman6578094 on Thursday, September 9, 2021 3:35 PM
I had an issue with the "find my hearing aid" feature on my phone. After wearing a face mask and entering Walmart, I realized my right hearing aid was missing. The feature displayed my left aid nearby, but my right one showed up in a town 50 miles away, five weeks prior. I typically use my phone to adjust both aids. This error caused me to lose the opportunity to locate my missing aid. How do I ensure this feature works correctly when I receive a new hearing aid as a replacement?
Reported by GetHuman-wadehatc on Thursday, February 9, 2023 11:10 PM

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