
iLok 客户常见问题解答



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使用 iLok 需要付费吗?

是的,使用 iLok 需要付费。 iLok 硬件设备本身需要一次性购买。但是,使用 iLok 许可证管理器...

最近 iLok 个客户问题

Ican't find a license for Steven Slate VSX that I had.

If you can't find your Steven Slate VSX license, it may be because the license has not been sent or activated yet. Make sure you've completed the necessary purchase process and you have received an email notification mentioning the transfer of the license to your iLok account. Sometimes, it might take a while. If it's not there, check in your 'Hidden' licenses in the iLok License Manager. Keep in mind that licenses can only be seen in the iLok License Manager, not on the iLok website. If you're still having trouble, check if you're logged into the correct iLok account where the license was transferred. You can also reach out to the manufacturer, Steven Slate, for further assistance.
询问时间:Apr 19, 2024 4:56 AM

I cannot enter my activation code for my EastWest ComposerCloud license

If you are having trouble entering your activation code for your EastWest ComposerCloud license, ensure you've logged into iLok License Manager. Once logged in, click on the 'Licenses' menu and select 'Redeem Activation Code'. Input your activation code in the provided field and follow the prompts. Remember that the codes are case-sensitive and should be entered exactly as given. If you still experience difficulties, it could mean the code has already been used or is not correct. Please double-check the details and try again.
询问时间:Apr 5, 2024 6:59 PM

I can not authorize plug in that I purchased to my ilok

To authorize a plugin you've purchased to your iLok, you'll first need to ensure that you have the iLok License Manager software installed on your computer. The software will provide a user-friendly interface for managing your licenses. Once you have this set up, you should receive a license key or an activation code from the company you bought the plugin from. Open the iLok License Manager, sign in to your iLok account, click on "Licenses" then "Redeem Activation Code". Input the code and the license should be deposited in your account. From there, you can drag and drop the license onto your iLok. Refresh your plugin list in your DAW, and your plugin should be authorized.
询问时间:Apr 1, 2024 6:28 PM

I want to know if I can buy a second ilok and put all licenses on it. Then use both iloks on two different computers

Yes, you can use two different iLoks on two different computers. Once you purchase your second iLok, you can transfer licenses to it from your original iLok. You would do this through the iLok License Manager software. However, remember that each license can only be active on one iLok at a time. Therefore, if you want to use the same software on two machines simultaneously, you would need two licenses. So, any software that you want to use on both computers would require separate licenses for each iLok.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2024 9:34 PM

unable to retrieve activation codes

If you're unable to retrieve your activation codes for iLok, it's possible that they may have been lost due to a system error or an issue with your account. If the codes were registered to your iLok account, you can sign in and find them under the "Licenses" tab. However, if you didn't register the codes, you might not be able to recover them. Always make sure to register your licenses as soon as you receive them. For future activations, ensure your iLok License Manager software is up-to-date to prevent any possible issues.
询问时间:Mar 8, 2024 3:11 PM




iLok 是 PACE Anti-Piracy 创建的硬件设备,可安全存储软件许可证。它确保只有授权用户...


iLok 是如何工作的?

iLok 是存储软件许可证的安全密钥,允许用户在不同的计算机上访问和使用其软件。当一个...


我是否需要 iLok 才能使用受 iLok 保护的软件?

是的,在大多数情况下,您需要 iLok 才能使用受 iLok 保护的软件。 iLok 是一个物理 USB 或基于软件的加密狗,其作用...

我可以在 Mac 和 PC 上使用 iLok 吗?

是的,iLok 可用于 Mac 和 PC 操作系统。 iLok 许可证管理系统旨在兼容...


在哪里可以购买 iLok?

您可以从线上和线下的各种授权零售商处购买 iLok。在线选项包括 iLok 官方网站、...


我可以在一台计算机上使用多个 iLok 设备吗?

是的,您可以在一台计算机上使用多个 iLok 设备。 iLok 支持同时使用多个设备,让您可以管理...

我可以将 iLok 与第三方插件一起使用吗?

是的,iLok 可以与第三方插件一起使用。 iLok 是一个通用许可证管理系统,允许用户安全地存储和...

License Transfers

我可以在 iLok 设备之间转移许可证吗?

是的,您可以在 iLok 设备之间转移许可证。只要两台设备连接到同一个 iLok 帐户,您就可以轻松...

System Requirements

使用 iLok 有哪些系统要求?

要使用 iLok,您的系统需要一些基本规格。对于 Windows 用户,您需要 Windows 7 或更高版本,并配备 Intel 或...


使用 iLok 需要付费吗?

是的,使用 iLok 需要付费。 iLok 硬件设备本身需要一次性购买。但是,使用 iLok 许可证管理器...