Xcel Energy 客户常见问题解答


Xcel Energy 的电话号码是多少?

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最近 Xcel Energy 个客户问题

Cost to bring Gas & Electricity to vacant lot in City of Broomfielld?

The cost to bring gas and electricity to a vacant lot can vary greatly based on several factors like the distance from existing lines, the type of terrain, required permits, and local regulation fees. Xcel Energy would have to conduct a specific survey and analysis to provide an accurate quote. We recommend reaching out directly to Xcel Energy for a site-specific quote. Be ready to provide the exact address or location, size, and intended use of the lot for the most accurate estimate.
询问时间:May 13, 2024 9:20 PM

I need to set up a Payment arrangement

Setting up a payment arrangement with Xcel Energy is straightforward. You can simply go to their website, log into your account and find the payment options under the billing and payment tab. There, you will find an option for 'Payment Arrangement'. Select that, and follow the prompted steps to set up the arrangement. Remember, you have to be registered and signed into their online system to do this. If you're having trouble signing in or registering, just click 'Need Help Signing In?' or 'New User? Register Now' on the sign-in page.
询问时间:May 7, 2024 7:08 AM

帮助我解决Xcel Energy客户服务问题

Usage History


要查看 Xcel Energy 的能源使用历史记录,您可以在其网站上登录您的在线帐户。登录后,您可以...

Power Outage


要向 Xcel Energy 报告停电,您可以通过电话或在线联系我们的客户服务团队。报告停电时,请...

Gas Smell


如果您闻到煤气味,请务必迅速采取行动并遵循以下步骤: 1. 立即离开该区域并前往室外的安全位置。 2. 请勿打开或关闭任何电气设备,或使用任何可能产生火花的物品。 3. 在安全距离外致电 Xcel Energy 或当地燃气公司报告气味。 4. 请勿尝试自行查找气体泄漏源。 5. 等待专业人员到达并评估情况。您的安全是重中之重,因此请认真对待任何气体气味,并立即撤离该地区......

Payment Options


Xcel Energy 为其客户提供多种便捷的付款方式。首先,客户可以选择通过以下方式在线支付账单:


Xcel Energy接受多种付款方式,让账单支付无忧。您可以选择使用信用卡或借记卡支付账单...

Rate Plans


Xcel Energy 提供各种量身定制的住宅费率计划,以满足不同客户的需求。该公司提供一些初级费率...

Assistance Programs


是的,Xcel Energy 为低收入客户提供援助计划。我们了解一些客户可能面临财务挑战......

Energy-Saving Tips


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