
Wooga 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Wooga 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Wooga 游戏中是否有任何特别活动或促销活动?

是的,Wooga 定期在其游戏中组织特别活动和促销活动,以增强玩家的游戏体验。这些事件...

最近 Wooga 个客户问题

My Junes journey keeps asking me to log in via facebook

This could happen if you've previously connected your June's Journey game to your Facebook account. The game might prompt you to log in via Facebook to sync your progress and save your data. If you don't want to continue logging in with Facebook, check your game settings. If the game still keeps asking you to log in via Facebook and you're facing a problem with it, there might be a bug. We recommend reinstalling the game if the problem persists but make sure your game progress is saved before you uninstall the game. If the issue persists even after reinstallation, it might be an issue that you have to bring up with Wooga's customer service.
询问时间:Apr 26, 2024 10:41 AM

why wont junes journey accept my pre paid visa as payment

We're sorry to hear you're having issues with your prepaid Visa card on June's Journey. Please ensure the card has enough balance to cover the purchase price plus any additional charges. Sometimes, prepaid cards are not accepted due to the country it is registered in. It's often recommended to use a card registered in the same country as the game's server. Also, check that all card details are entered correctly, and your card is not expired. If all this checks out and you're still encountering issues, it could be a temporary problem with the payment system itself.
询问时间:Feb 19, 2024 6:12 PM



哪些设备与 Wooga 游戏兼容?

Wooga 游戏与多种设备兼容,确保您无论身在何处都可以享受我们的游戏。我们的游戏设计...

System Requirements

玩 Wooga 游戏有哪些系统要求?

玩 Wooga 游戏的系统要求因具体游戏而异,但有一些通用准则。为了达到最佳...

Offline Play

我可以离线玩 Wooga 游戏吗?

不幸的是,Wooga 游戏需要互联网连接才能玩。由于 Wooga 游戏主要是多人游戏和社交体验,...

Payment Methods


Wooga 接受多种应用内购买付款方式。我们致力于为我们的...提供便捷、无缝的体验。

Age Restrictions

玩 Wooga 游戏有年龄限制吗?

玩 Wooga 游戏没有年龄限制。我们相信游戏适合所有年龄段的玩家。然而,...

Events and Promotions

Wooga 游戏中是否有任何特别活动或促销活动?

是的,Wooga 定期在其游戏中组织特别活动和促销活动,以增强玩家的游戏体验。这些事件...