
Upromise 客户常见问题解答


Upromise 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Upromise 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以将我的 Upromise 帐户链接到我的大学储蓄帐户吗?

是的,您可以将您的 Upromise 帐户链接到您的大学储蓄帐户。通过这样做,您可以轻松地将赚取的现金转回...

我的 Upromise 奖励什么时候存入我的账户?

您的 Upromise 奖励通常会在符合资格的购买或交易后 7-14 天内记入您的帐户。然而,...

最近 Upromise 个客户问题

how do I find lost account login info

If you've forgotten your Upromise account login information, you can go to the sign-in page and click on the "Forgot Password" or "Forgot Username" link. You'd then need to enter the email address associated with your account. An email with instructions to reset your password or recover your username will be sent to the provided email. Please make sure to check your spam or junk folder if you don't see the email in your inbox. Please remember, for your security, we don't have access to your password.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 2:35 PM

I no longer receive surveys and would like to know why

In Upromise, survey availability can vary based on numerous factors such as demographic information, survey needs, or your previous survey participation. If you haven't received any surveys for a while, it could be because there aren't currently any that match your specific profile or criteria. Sometimes, it may also be due to technical issues. It's important to keep your information updated to ensure you're the best fit for the surveys. If you've already done this and are still not receiving surveys, there may be temporary drops in availability. Keep checking back as the situation can change daily.
询问时间:Mar 28, 2024 2:14 AM

Where were my funds transferred to

If your funds are no longer in your Upromise account, it's likely that they were transferred to a designated account linked to your Upromise account. This could be a 529 college savings plan, a Sallie Mae High-Yield Savings Account, or a Sallie Mae SmartyPig Account. Please ensure to confirm that these accounts are still active and linked to your Upromise account to enable fund transfers. If you have not set up an account linkage, it's possible your funds may remain in the Upromise account until a transfer destination is established.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2024 9:49 PM

Need to know what happened to my promise balance

We're sorry to hear you're having issues with your Upromise balance. There could be many reasons why you're not seeing the expected balance. Perhaps the transactions associated with your account have not yet been processed or a return was made, adjusting the balance. Some updates can take up to 60 days to be reflected. Keep in mind, inactive accounts for an extended period may have been closed due to the terms of service. Please login to your account and review your balance along with your transaction history to see if the changes correspond with your activities. If your balance doesn't match your records and activities, we suggest connecting with Upromise customer service for specialized help.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2024 9:46 PM

i need to change my phone number on my account

Sure. To change your phone number on your Upromise account, log into your account via the Upromise website. Once you are logged in, navigate to "My Profile" or "Account Settings". There you will find personal information including your phone number. Click on the edit option to change the number. After entering your new number, remember to verify the change and save the updated information. It's important to ensure your contact information is up-to-date for accurate communication.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2024 6:10 PM




Upromise 是一项独特的奖励计划,旨在帮助家庭为大学教育储蓄。这是一项免费服务,Upromise 与各个合作伙伴合作,提供额外的方式来为大学储蓄。例如,会员可以通过 Upromise 在线购物门户购物,链接其符合条件的信用卡或借记卡以自动赚取奖励,或利用特别优惠和促销活动。此外,朋友和家人可以向会员的大学储蓄账户捐款,帮助增加更多储蓄。总的来说,Upromise 是一个有价值的计划,它使个人能够毫不费力地节省教育费用,让大学梦想触手可及......


Upromise 如何运作?

Upromise 是一项奖励计划,旨在帮助家庭为大学教育储蓄。它通过与各种零售商合作来开始使用 Upromise,只需注册一个免费帐户并注册您的信用卡、借记卡和会员卡即可。当使用注册卡在合作商户进行购物时,现金返还将自动添加到您的 Upromise 账户中。此外,Upromise 还提供在线购物门户,会员可以通过在参与零售商处购物来赚取更多现金返还。会员还可以通过邀请家人和朋友加入并将其现金返还收入捐赠给指定受益人的大学基金来增加储蓄。 Upromise 提供工具和资源,用于跟踪储蓄进度、设定目标以及探索其他储蓄和投资高等教育的方法......

我可以在多个设备上使用 Upromise 吗?

是的,您可以在多个设备上使用 Upromise。 Upromise 的设计宗旨是可以在各种设备上方便地访问,包括...


使用 Upromise 有什么好处?

使用 Upromise 具有一系列好处,使其成为省钱的宝贵工具。首先,主要优势是机会...


哪些类型的购买有资格获得 Upromise 奖励?

通过各种符合条件的购买均可获得 Upromise 奖励。其中包括与超过 850 个零售合作伙伴进行在线购物、餐饮……

Account Connection

我可以将我的 Upromise 帐户链接到我的大学储蓄帐户吗?

是的,您可以将您的 Upromise 帐户链接到您的大学储蓄帐户。通过这样做,您可以轻松地将赚取的现金转回...

Rewards Timing

我的 Upromise 奖励什么时候存入我的账户?

您的 Upromise 奖励通常会在符合资格的购买或交易后 7-14 天内记入您的帐户。然而,...


我可以将我的 Upromise 奖励转让给其他人吗?

不可以,Upromise 奖励不能转让给其他人。 Upromise 奖励是根据您的购买和活动获得的,并且...


使用 Upromise 是否需要支付任何费用?

不需要,使用 Upromise 不收取任何费用。加入和使用该服务完全免费。 Upromise 是一项奖励计划...