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TripIt Pro 订阅可接受的付款方式有哪些?

TripIt Pro 提供多种付款方式来订阅其服务。您可以使用主要信用卡付款,例如...

最近 个客户问题

My flight will not show on tripit. I had to merge two email accounts abs still does not show

If your flight details are not showing on TripIt, there could be a number of reasons. Firstly, make sure the travel confirmation email was sent to the email address that's associated with your TripIt account. You might need to forward the confirmation email to Additionally, check if the confirmation email is from a supported provider. Different providers may format their emails differently and some might not be supported by TripIt. Also, it's crucial to ensure that the travel confirmation email contains the necessary data (like dates, times, and locations) in a text format that TripIt can scan and use. Lastly, check if your inbox settings are preventing the syncing process. If you've checked all these and it's still not showing, sometimes re-forwarding the confirmation email can help.
询问时间:May 3, 2024 5:11 PM

My flight time out of LAX on 4/3/24 to Dublin, Conf # 2PSAWW shows a departure time of 8:15, but Aer Lingus has us leaving at 10:15. Can you clarify?

We're sorry for the confusion. However, we don't have real-time access to your personal itinerary or airline schedules. We suggest contacting Aer Lingus or checking their official website for the most accurate departure time information. Please also ensure that your TripIt account is updated, as it should sync with the latest changes in your itinerary.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 6:52 PM

I dont have confirmation number as someone else booked my itinerary

No problem at all! As long as the booking party included your email address in the reservation, you should receive a copy of the itinerary. You can then forward that email to, and it will automatically be added to your trip itinerary in the TripIt app. If the booking party didn't include your email, you can ask them to forward you the confirmation email, which you can then forward to TripIt.
询问时间:Mar 23, 2024 3:09 PM



TripIt 是什么?它是如何工作的?

TripIt 是一个综合性旅行组织平台,可简化旅行计划并将所有旅行细节保存在一个地方。它...

Importing Travel Plans

我可以将其他来源的旅行计划导入 TripIt 吗?

是的,TripIt 允许用户轻松地从各种来源导入他们的旅行计划。借助 TripIt 的“导入您的计划”功能,您可以...

Automatic Updates

如果旅行计划有变化,TripIt 会自动更新吗?

是的,如果旅行计划有变化,TripIt 会自动更新您的旅行计划。 TripIt 提供实时更新并与您的电子邮件同步,...

Security and Privacy

我在 TripIt 上的个人信息安全吗?

是的,您的个人信息在 TripIt 上是安全的。我们优先保护您的数据并采用行业标准安全性...

Sharing Plans


是的,您可以使用 TripIt 轻松与他人分享您的旅行计划。 TripIt 允许您与家人、朋友分享您的行程...

Mobile App

TripIt 有移动应用程序吗?

是的,TripIt 有一个适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备的移动应用程序。 TripIt 应用程序旨在帮助您保持井然有序并...

Offline Access

我可以离线访问 TripIt 吗?

是的,您可以离线访问 TripIt。 TripIt 提供了一种称为“离线访问”的离线功能。这使您可以查看您的旅行计划...

TripIt Pro

TripIt Pro 用户还有其他功能或好处吗?

是的,TripIt Pro 用户可以享受一些额外的功能和好处。首先,他们收到实时航班警报,包括更新......

TripIt Pro 订阅可接受的付款方式有哪些?

TripIt Pro 提供多种付款方式来订阅其服务。您可以使用主要信用卡付款,例如...

Changes to Plans


如果您需要取消或更改旅行计划,TripIt 可以提供轻松的解决方案。使用 TripIt,您可以轻松管理和修改...