Tile 客户问答


至于联系 Tile,您无法与客户服务代理进行实时电话交谈。相反,您需要查看其网站上的帮助文章,看看是否有符合您问题的内容。您最终可能可以提交一份描述您问题的表格,然后收到客户服务团队成员发来的电子邮件。


My daughter is missing abroad and we think has her time on her keys. Her friends have h...
I'm trying to have the troubles activating a new tile one of my other ones has a dead b...
Today, unbeknownst to me was the anniversary date of my subscription and a reminder for...
My son gave me a Tile system for Christmas It has worked as expected but the tile he g...
I accidently deactivated my tile. how do I reactivate it?
Ordered twice - need to cancel one
I continue to be charged for premium subscription that I do not have. I wanted to stop...
My tile won’t work it’s saying out of range. I’ve tried all the things it tells you to...
I just purchased a tile pro and I cant connect it to my phone. I have tried all the tro...
Tile Slim is no longer working was activated in April and stopped on October
I got a tile for Christmas and somehow I came home with the tile but not the box. What...
I purchased incorrect Tile set and returned and bought new Tiles online and old Tile st...
My order has not made it to my post office. My tracking page says that it is being sent...
When I double click tile to find my keys it just beeps for a few seconds and stops. It...
My issue with tile was that as I attempted to track my keys in a multi floor hospital...





GetHuman 不直接或以任何其他方式与 Tile 的客户支持部门合作。 GetHuman 与 Tile 没有任何合作关系或关系。 GetHuman 与世界各地的客户合作,编制最佳技巧和工具,以更快地联系呼叫中心并有效解决常见的客户问题。该网站上的大部分信息来自那些努力寻找最佳联系信息或解决问题并分享他们的故事的客户。此网站上的信息会经常编辑,但为了获得最准确和最新的联系信息,检查 Tile 自己的网站以获取有关致电其呼叫中心或向其呼叫中心发送消息的新信息或更多最新信息可能会很有用。如果您想帮助改善所有人的客户服务,请分享此页面!


