
TikTok 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 TikTok 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何恢复我的 TikTok 帐户?

使用您的 TikTok 帐户,即使您已采取措施停用该帐户或忘记密码或被锁定...

在没有密码或电子邮件的情况下如何访问我的 TikTok?

如果您无法访问 TikTok 帐户并且忘记了登录所需的密码或电子邮件,您可能会担心自己可以...

最近 TikTok 个客户问题

I need help getting my drafts back

You should find your drafts by opening the TikTok app and clicking on the '+' icon at the bottom of the screen. Then, on the next screen, to the right of the record button, you should see an option called "Drafts." If you click on this, you can access and edit all your saved draft videos. However, please note that if you've deleted the app without backing up your data, you may lose any unsaved drafts.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 4:36 PM

The account tiktok cannot be restored

If your TikTok account was deactivated by you, there is a 30-day window where it's possible to recover it. During these 30 days, you can log back into your account to reactivate it. If more than 30 days have passed, the account likely cannot be restored. If your account was banned or deleted by TikTok for violating community guidelines, the account cannot be restored. We recommend creating a new account and ensuring any content posted adheres to TikTok's community guidelines.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 12:41 PM

I ordered something twice. I would like to cancel one of the orders please.

Hmmm... we're not sure about that. TikTok doesn't facilitate direct product purchasing. Orders or transactions you've made would have been through a third-party platform linked from TikTok. You would need to contact that platform or seller directly to cancel your order.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 2:42 PM

How do I recover my account that got banned for age

If your TikTok account was banned due to an age-related issue, you should know that the platform needs to comply with legal requirements- so requires all users to be at least 13 years old. If the ban happened due to a mistake in inputting your date of birth, you can try to appeal this decision by communicating with TikTok's support team. To do this, open the app on your device, tap on your profile and then the "...", find the 'Report a problem' option and follow the steps. Please provide all necessary documentation proving your age, like a government-issued ID card or birth certificate.
询问时间:Apr 24, 2024 7:26 PM

Tik Tok took over $200 from my cash app account. They are still trying to take money. How do I get my money back that has been taken

We're sorry to hear about your situation. To resolve this, go to your TikTok profile, then tap on the three-dot menu in the top-right corner. Click on 'Balance', then 'Purchase History' to view your transactions. If you see any unauthorized purchases, you may dispute them. The best way to prevent future unauthorized charges would be to unlink your Cash App. Go to your profile and click the three-dot menu again, then ‘Balance’, then "Recharge", select Cash App and there should be an option to unlink. Also consider changing your password and enabling two-factor authentication as a safety measure. However, any refund request would typically need to be made through your bank or Cash App.
询问时间:Apr 23, 2024 6:58 PM


Account Management

如何恢复我的 TikTok 帐户?

使用您的 TikTok 帐户,即使您已采取措施停用该帐户或忘记密码或被锁定...

在没有密码或电子邮件的情况下如何访问我的 TikTok?

如果您无法访问 TikTok 帐户并且忘记了登录所需的密码或电子邮件,您可能会担心自己可以...

如何将我的 TikTok 帐户升级为专业帐户?

切换到 TikTok PRO 帐户相对容易,应该在应用程序本身内完成。为此,只需点击您的“隐私...

如何将我的 TikTok 帐户从专业帐户降级?

如果您对新的 TikTok PRO 帐户功能不满意,您可以在移动设备上的应用程序中降级您的帐户......

如何解锁我的 TikTok 帐户?

如果您因忘记密码而被锁定 TikTok 帐户,则可以轻松重新获得帐户访问权限。如果你已经...

如何永久删除我的 TikTok 帐户?

虽然许多人仍然非常喜欢 TikTok,但如果您决定删除您的帐户,您可以通过管理我的帐户来执行此操作...

Privacy and Security

如何从 TikTok 视频中删除我的名字?

您想享受 TikTok,而不担心您的隐私被侵犯,您的名字在未经您同意的情况下在视频中使用......

如果我的 TikTok 帐户被黑客入侵,我该怎么办?

如果您收到 TikTok 的通知,称有人通过陌生设备登录了您的帐户,您需要采取...

Technical Issues

如果我的 TikTok 打不开怎么办?

如果您的 TikTok 应用无法打开,您可以尝试采取一些措施来修复它。一是在您的移动设备上启用 Wifi 和移动数据......

您如何收集 TikTok 硬币?

您可以使用 TikTok 币进行应用内购买并作为礼物发送。您可以通过两种方式获得更多 TikTok 币。其一就是简单...

为什么我无法在 TikTok 上录制音频?

作为一个专注于简短视频和易用性的平台,很容易理解为什么 TikTok 自推出以来拥有超过 20 亿用户......

为什么我无法在 TikTok 上录制视频?

TikTok 的受欢迎程度是无限的,它完美地结合了发布短视频和易用性,难怪有数十亿...

如果 TikTok 一直崩溃怎么办?


如果看到“不幸的是 TikTok 已停止工作”消息,我该怎么办?


我如何知道 TikTok 是否已关闭?


