Thrifty Car Rental 客户常见问题解答


Thrifty Car Rental 的电话号码是多少?

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是的,在 Thrifty Car Rental,我们确实提供折扣和促销代码,以帮助我们的客户节省租车费用。我们明白...
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最近 Thrifty Car Rental 个客户问题

How to recover item lost in rental car.

If you believe you've left an item in a Thrifty Car Rental vehicle, it's best to contact the rental location directly as soon as possible. Provide them with detailed information, such as a description of the item and your rental agreement number. They should be able to check the vehicle for your lost item. Keep in mind that while Thrifty will do its best to assist you, they cannot guarantee the recovery of lost items. It's always a good idea to thoroughly check the car before returning it to help avoid this situation.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 9:45 PM

I am at DFW and have been waiting TWO HOURS for a car which I reserved and prepaid. How can you rent a service you do not have?

We sincerely apologize for the waiting time you're encountering at DFW. It is our utmost aim to provide efficient and timely service to all our customers. Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances such as high demand or delays in returns may cause waiting times to be longer than expected, even for prepaid and reserved cars. We are continually working to improve our processes to avoid such situations. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
询问时间:Mar 19, 2024 5:51 PM

How do i get a refund for incorrect damage waiver charges

If you believe you have been incorrectly charged for a damage waiver, it's important to first double-check your rental agreement to see what you initially agreed upon at the time of your car rental. If there is indeed an error, you should contact Thrifty Car Rental's customer service directly. They can review your case, and if the charges are deemed a mistake, they should be able to correct this on your billing. Keep any receipts or proof of the incorrect charge to help facilitate the process.
询问时间:Mar 7, 2024 10:50 PM

Overcharge: When we returned the car the total cost was reduced. I checked my credit card and the original charge was listed. When will the charge be updated on my card?

If the total cost of your rental was reduced upon return, the original preauthorization hold on your card will be released and the actual, lowered amount will be charged instead. The timeframe depends on your bank's policies, often between 3 to 5 business days. However, in some instances, it may take up to 10 days or more. If the updated charge doesn't reflect on your account after this period, we would recommend contacting your bank or credit card company.
询问时间:Feb 29, 2024 6:18 PM

I need someone to call me about my past rental charges

I'm sorry, but as an FAQ assistant, I'm unable to make phone calls or connect you to customer service. However, I can tell you that if you have questions or disputes about your past rental charges, it's best to directly reach out to Thrifty Car Rental's customer service. They are better equipped to discuss individual accounts and charges. They will need your rental contract or reservation number to help. Please be ready to explain the charges you're questioning in detail.
询问时间:Feb 19, 2024 12:57 AM

帮助我解决Thrifty Car Rental客户服务问题

Age Requirement


通过 Thrifty Car Rental 租车的最低年龄可能因地点而异。在大多数地方,最低年龄要求...



要从 Thrifty Car Rental 租车,您需要提供由您的居住国或...

Mileage Limit


不,Thrifty Car Rental 租车没有里程限制。我们了解我们的客户可能有不同的需求和偏好......

Reservation Changes


是的,您可以修改或取消 Thrifty Car Rental 的预订。我们知道计划可能会发生变化,因此我们提供灵活性......

Fuel Policy


Thrifty Car Rental 的租车燃油政策简单明了且对客户友好。当您从 Thrifty 租用车辆时,...

Child Safety


是的,我们提供儿童汽车安全座椅和加高座椅。在 Thrifty Car Rental,我们了解旅行时儿童安全的重要性......

Fees and Charges


在 Thrifty Car Rental,我们努力在费用和收费方面对客户保持透明。虽然我们的基本租金涵盖...

Payment Methods


是的,您可以在 Thrifty Car Rental 使用借记卡租车。我们了解并非所有客户都有信用卡,因此我们接受...

International License


是的,Thrifty Car Rental 允许拥有国际驾照的客户租车。我们承认并接受有效的国际...



是的,在 Thrifty Car Rental,我们确实提供折扣和促销代码,以帮助我们的客户节省租车费用。我们明白...