TeamViewer 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 TeamViewer 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

TeamViewer 是否与 VPN 连接兼容?

是的,TeamViewer 与 VPN 连接兼容。用户可以使用 TeamViewer 连接和控制远程设备,即使他们...

最近 TeamViewer 个客户问题

Help! I was hacked by someone claiming they work for teamviewer

We're very sorry to hear about your troubles. Please note that TeamViewer itself is a secure tool that is enormously helpful when used correctly. However, it can be misused if, for instance, someone tricks you into giving them access to your computer. The official members of the TeamViewer team will never ask for access to your computer. We recommend you change your passwords immediately, keep your personal information private, and report the incident to your local law enforcement authorities as well as to TeamViewer directly through their website. Stay safe!
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 1:41 AM

my computer has been hacked by someone claiming to work for your company

We're sorry to hear about this unfortunate situation. It's important to know that TeamViewer takes safety and security very seriously and we never initiate contact to offer unsolicited support. If you've been contacted by someone claiming to be from TeamViewer and you suspect it's a scam, we recommend that you end the session immediately. Do not grant access to your system or share any personal information. If you think your computer has been compromised, follow all necessary steps to secure it, starting with changing all passwords and running a full system scan with a reliable security software.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 1:28 AM

haven't received email to add device to trusted list

If you're not receiving the Trust this Device email, first, check your spam or junk folders. Sometimes emails are accidentally directed there. Make sure you added the correct email during the process and that is whitelisted in your email client to avoid delegation to spam folders. If you're still having trouble, it might be due to a delay in the email servers. So, waiting for a short period can also help. If none of these steps resolve your issue, try resetting your TeamViewer account password which can help trigger the "Trust This Device" email.
询问时间:Mar 29, 2024 12:39 AM

Need to contact Teamviewer but there is no way to do this as I am a free user.

We understand that you're looking for support as a free user of TeamViewer. However, it's important to note that the primary form of assistance available to free users is through the TeamViewer Community. The community forum is full of helpful resources, including guides, tips, and troubleshooting advice from other users and TeamViewer professionals. You could potentially find the answer to your question or problem there. Unfortunately, direct contact support is primarily available to licensed, paying customers.
询问时间:Mar 21, 2024 3:22 PM



什么是 TeamViewer?它有什么作用?

TeamViewer 是一款领先的远程访问和协作软件,旨在连接各种设备并允许用户访问和...


TeamViewer 支持哪些操作系统?

TeamViewer 是一款多功能远程访问和支持软件,支持多种操作系统。它与 Windows 兼容,...

Mobile Usage

我可以在移动设备上使用 TeamViewer 吗?

是的,TeamViewer 可以在移动设备上使用。 TeamViewer 应用程序适用于 iOS 和 Android 设备,允许用户...


TeamViewer 使用安全吗?

是的,TeamViewer 使用起来很安全。作为领先的远程桌面解决方案,它优先考虑安全性以保护用户数据并维护...

Connection Limits

TeamViewer 允许的最大连接数是多少?

TeamViewer 允许的最大连接数根据您选择的订阅计划而有所不同。对于个人使用,...

File Transfer

我可以使用 TeamViewer 在计算机之间传输文件吗?

是的,您可以使用 TeamViewer 在计算机之间传输文件。 TeamViewer 允许用户轻松、安全地共享文件和文件夹...

Password Reset

我忘记了 TeamViewer 密码。我怎样才能重置它?

如果您忘记了 TeamViewer 密码,重置过程非常简单。首先在您的...上打开 TeamViewer 应用程序


TeamViewer 有哪些定价选项?

TeamViewer 提供灵活的定价选项,以满足各种需求和预算。他们提供基于...的商业和个人计划。

VPN Compatibility

TeamViewer 是否与 VPN 连接兼容?

是的,TeamViewer 与 VPN 连接兼容。用户可以使用 TeamViewer 连接和控制远程设备,即使他们...