TD Waterhouse (Canada) 客户常见问题解答


TD Waterhouse (Canada) 的电话号码是多少?

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有哪些工具和资源可用于 TD Waterhouse 的研究和分析?

道明沃特豪斯 (TD Waterhouse) 提供全面的研究和分析工具和资源。客户可以访问道明市场研究、...
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最近 TD Waterhouse (Canada) 个客户问题

Money sitting in an RRIF account, I am now 65

When you turn 71, regulations require that you begin withdrawing money annually from your Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). However, you can start making withdrawals from your RRIF once you open the account, regardless of your age. It's important to note that all withdrawals are considered income and subject to taxation, but the amount you withdraw each year is up to you, as long as it meets the minimum amounts set by the government. We recommend working with a financial advisor to ensure that your RRIF withdrawals fit your overall retirement income strategy and help minimize your tax liability.
询问时间:Mar 19, 2024 8:05 PM

Claiming income from an old registered retirement income fund

When you start withdrawing from your Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) at TD Waterhouse, you'll have to claim the amount as income on your tax return. This is because RRIF distributions are considered taxable income. It applies even if the RRIF is old. The amount you'll need to declare will be based on the total amount withdrawn during the year. TD Waterhouse will provide you with a tax slip, typically a T4RIF, that will show the total figures for the year. You would then input this information when preparing your tax return. Also, remember that a mandatory minimum amount must be withdrawn annually from your RRIF. The specific amount increases as you age.
询问时间:Mar 19, 2024 7:50 PM

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Account Management



Investment Options


道明沃特豪斯 (TD Waterhouse) 提供广泛的投资选择,以满足不同的个人偏好和财务目标。投资者...

Fees and Commissions

与道明沃特豪斯 (TD Waterhouse) 交易相关的费用和佣金是多少?


International Trading


是的,道明沃特豪斯允许客户交易在国际交易所上市的股票。道明沃特豪斯 (TD Waterhouse) 拥有全球交易平台...

Trading Hours

道明沃特豪斯 (TD Waterhouse) 的交易时间是几点?

TD Waterhouse 的交易时间为东部时间周一至周五上午 9:30 至下午 4:00。这使客户能够进入市场......

Research Tools

有哪些工具和资源可用于 TD Waterhouse 的研究和分析?

道明沃特豪斯 (TD Waterhouse) 提供全面的研究和分析工具和资源。客户可以访问道明市场研究、...