SwagBucks 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 SwagBucks 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

使用 SwagBucks 是否有任何相关费用或成本?

不需要,使用 SwagBucks 不收取任何费用或成本。加入和使用 SwagBucks 是完全免费的。这是一种奖励...

最近 SwagBucks 个客户问题

I have repeatedly tried to get verification to redeem my $50 to my paypal account already attached to Swagbucks with no credit ever being issued. This has been over a month now

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble redeeming your SwagBucks rewards. It's important to note that all reward redemptions are manually reviewed for compliance with SwagBucks' terms of use. This process usually takes up to 10 business days. However, if it's been over a month, there may be a problem. We recommend double-checking your email for any communications from SwagBucks regarding this issue. If there's nothing there, consider resubmitting the redemption request. If the issue persists, unfortunately, you will want to contact SwagBucks customer support for assistance with this matter. They'll be able to look into your individual account and handle any potential issues.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 7:20 PM

I have not received my sb for completing a offer. It doesn't even show up that i created an account. Snd i originally made the account specifically for that

We're sorry to hear about your issue with SwagBucks. There may be times when rewards take longer to appear in your account. Some offers may take up to 32 days for SwagBucks (SB) to credit. If it takes longer than the estimated time, make sure you have completed all the requirements of the offer and check if you have ad-blocking software that could interfere. If everything is in order but you still haven't been rewarded, we recommend you to directly consult with the third party who manages the offer. If you are not credited after the indicated wait time, they may require the confirmation email as proof for the SB you earned. Please make sure you keep all proof of your completed offer.
询问时间:Apr 14, 2024 9:24 PM

My account has been deactivated i.e suspended. I want to reactivate my Swagbucks account.

We're sorry to hear about your issue. Unfortunately, you cannot reactivate your SwagBucks account yourself. Suspended accounts generally result from violations of the SwagBucks terms and conditions. If you believe your account was suspended in error, you should directly contact SwagBucks's customer service to ensure understanding of the situation. They will review your account and discuss with you the necessary steps needed for account reactivation. Make sure to provide all necessary information in your communication for a swift resolution.
询问时间:Mar 28, 2024 2:46 PM

I did not get my Swagbucks for February when I reached my goal playing Monopoly

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with Swagbucks. Rewards are usually credited almost immediately after you've completed a task, but sometimes they can take a little longer. If the Swagbucks have not been added to your account within 30 days, it might be due to a technical issue. Ensure you completed all requirements for the reward and that Monopoly is eligible for Swagbucks reward. If you've done all this and still don't see your rewards, reach out to Swagbucks customer service directly with all the details of your transactions to help resolve your issue. They will assist in understanding and possibly rectifying the problem. Remember to keep a record of your activities and rewards for any future inquiries.
询问时间:Mar 9, 2024 7:07 PM

I have not received my $25 f dollars PayPal cash yet and have even talked to PayPal and was informed that it is on yall end

We apologize for the inconvenience experienced. SwagBucks typically sends all rewards, including PayPal cash, within 10 business days of redemption. However, sometimes there can be delays due to various reasons. But do note, that the status of your cash-out can be checked through your SwagBucks account. If it's past 10 business days and your reward is still not received then there could be an issue that needs further investigation by SwagBucks support team. We recommend reaching out to SwagBucks' customer service for further assistance.
询问时间:Mar 1, 2024 11:53 PM



什么是 SwagBucks?

SwagBucks 是一种流行的在线奖励计划,允许用户通过完成各种活动来赚取积分,称为 Swag Bucks。...

SwagBucks 如何运作?

SwagBucks 是一项奖励计划,允许用户通过在线完成各种任务来赚取称为“Swag Bucks”的积分。用户可以...

我可以用 SwagBucks 做什么?

通过 SwagBucks,您可以通过多种方式充分利用您的收入。您可以用 SwagBucks 兑换各种奖励......


兑换 SwagBucks 有任何限制吗?

是的,兑换 SwagBucks 有一些限制。首先,为了兑换您的 SwagBucks,您必须有最低余额......


在 SwagBucks 上收到奖励所需的时间因您选择的具体奖励而异。对于电子礼品...


我可以在国际范围内使用 SwagBucks 吗?

是的,SwagBucks 可以在国际范围内使用。 SwagBucks 可供多个国家/地区的用户使用,包括美国、加拿大……

Earning Methods

赚取 SwagBucks 有哪些不同方式?

在我们的平台上有多种赚取 Swagbucks 的方法。主要方法是完成在线活动,例如调查、观看...

我可以在移动设备上赚取 SwagBucks 吗?

是的,您绝对可以在移动设备上赚取 SwagBucks。 SwagBucks 提供方便且用户友好的移动应用程序,允许...


SwagBucks 安全合法吗?

是的,SwagBucks 既安全又合法。作为一个公认且信誉良好的在线平台,SwagBucks 自 2008 年以来一直运营,...


使用 SwagBucks 是否有任何相关费用或成本?

不需要,使用 SwagBucks 不收取任何费用或成本。加入和使用 SwagBucks 是完全免费的。这是一种奖励...