Squarespace 客户常见问题解答



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Squarespace 与 Google Analytics 兼容吗?

是的,Squarespace 与 Google Analytics 兼容。您可以轻松地将 Squarespace 网站与 Google Analytics 集成以跟踪...

最近 Squarespace 个客户问题

google workspace is not working

While we apologize for the inconvenience, several factors could cause this issue. You may want to check if your Google Workspace subscription is correctly linked to your Squarespace account, the billing is up to date, and that you're using the right login credentials for your account. Make sure your internet connection is stable as well. However, if you've done all of these and the problem persist, then there might be a temporary issue with Google Workspace. In such a case, you could wait a short while before trying again. If the problem persists after all these checks, you might want to reach out to Squarespace support team directly.
询问时间:Apr 24, 2024 6:32 PM

My account has been discontinued. I need to renew. Suspect my card has been scammed.

We're sorry to hear about the possible scamming issue. To renew your Squarespace account, you would go to the Account Dashboard and click "Billing & Subscriptions." From there, you can select the website or domain subscription you'd like to renew and add a new payment method if necessary. If you believe your card has been compromised, it would be advisable to get in touch with your financial institution immediately to protect your funds. Meanwhile, you can use a different credit or debit card to renew your subscription on Squarespace.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 5:18 PM

Was charged for a canceled account

When you cancel your Squarespace subscription, you should no longer be billed. However, if you're being charged even after canceling, it's possible that the cancellation might not have been fully processed, or you may have more than one account. We'd suggest checking to ensure the cancellation was successful. It's also important to note that Squarespace doesn't provide pro-rated refunds for cancellations, so if you canceled in the middle of your billing cycle, the charge could be for the period before cancellation. If the charges continue, you'll need to contact Squarespace customer service directly for assistance. Please bear in mind that only Squarespace has the capacity to investigate and resolve billing issues.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 4:00 AM

I have been trying to add a new gallery page to my website and I cannot get the grid formation, which I have on all my other pages.

We apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing. It's possible that your current Squarespace template doesn't support gallery grids. Different templates offer different features, and not all of them include grid style for gallery pages. Alternatively, if your template does support the grid style, then when creating a new gallery page, make sure you select a Grid layout from the configuration options. Remember to always save changes after setting the layout. If you've done this and still don't see the grid formation; there might be a need to review the template limitations again.
询问时间:Apr 17, 2024 6:42 PM

I am being charged but I am not a subscribing member.

If you're seeing charges from Squarespace but you're not a current subscriber, it's possible that you have another Squarespace site under a different email, or that someone else in your household or organization created a site with your payment information. Also, consider whether you’ve subscribed to any of Squarespace's other services like Squarespace Domains or G-Suite. If none of these situations apply and you're still unsure why you're being charged, we recommend you to secure your financial accounts by contacting your bank for more details about the transactions immediately. It's important to note that Squarespace does not charge accounts without permission. The company's policy is to ask for explicit consent for every transaction.
询问时间:Apr 17, 2024 6:23 PM


Sales Tax Setup

如何使用 Squarespace 设置销售税?

如果您使用 Squarespace 制作和托管商业网站,那么您需要学习如何为客户的购买设置税率......

Photo Management

如何在 Squarespace 上移动照片?

如果您使用 Squarespace 构建电子商务网站,您需要学习如何在该网站上移动图片。这样做是...

Refund Tracking

如何追踪 Squarespace 的退款?

如果您是 Squarespace.com 的客户,最近收到了他们的退款,您可能会对如何进行跟踪感兴趣...

Image Protection


本文介绍如何通过禁用图像上的右键单击功能来保护 Squarespace 网站上的图像。详细说明...

Payment Gateways

我可以将第三方支付网关与 Squarespace 集成吗?

是的,您可以将第三方支付网关与 Squarespace 集成。 Squarespace 允许您连接各种支付处理器......

Password Protection

是否可以在 Squarespace 上创建受密码保护的页面?

是的,可以在 Squarespace 上创建受密码保护的页面。借助 Squarespace 的内置内容管理系统,您...

Digital Product Sales

我可以在我的 Squarespace 网站上销售数字产品吗?

是的,您可以在 Squarespace 网站上销售数字产品。 Squarespace 提供了一个直观且用户友好的平台来创建...

Blog Import

是否可以将我现有的博客导入 Squarespace?

是的,可以将您现有的博客导入 Squarespace。 Squarespace 提供了一个简单且无缝的传输过程...

Multi-language Website

我可以使用 Squarespace 创建多语言网站吗?

是的,Squarespace 确实支持创建多语言网站。借助 Squarespace 的内置功能和工具,您可以轻松...

Google Analytics

Squarespace 与 Google Analytics 兼容吗?

是的,Squarespace 与 Google Analytics 兼容。您可以轻松地将 Squarespace 网站与 Google Analytics 集成以跟踪...