Soundcloud 客户常见问题解答



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如何删除 Soundcloud 帐户?

在本文中,我们向您展示了如何通过几个简单的步骤删除 Soundcloud 帐户。无论您是使用该网站还是...

如何报告我的 Soundcloud 帐户被黑?

在本文中,我们向您展示了如何通过几个简单的步骤删除 Soundcloud 帐户。无论您是使用该网站还是...

最近 Soundcloud 个客户问题

My homepage is wrong. I can select my original homepage as a link, but the homepage is incorrect.

If you're seeing an incorrect homepage on Soundcloud, it might be because of various reasons such as cookies or cache related issues. Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and then reloading Soundcloud's site. If you're using the app, try restarting the app. Alternatively, double check your Soundcloud account settings to ensure your preferred settings are correctly set. If your homepage problem is related to your profile, under the 'Edit' section, be sure to save any changes you made, especially to the 'Website' field. If the issue persists, it could be a temporary issue with Soundcloud itself and should be resolved soon.
询问时间:Apr 7, 2024 4:16 PM

I was charged through PayPal for a Next Plus subscription for two years and have no knowledge of this subscription.

It sounds like you may have inadvertently purchased a Pro or Pro Unlimited subscription on SoundCloud. These subscriptions are charged either monthly or annually. If the charges are unexpected, you may wish to cancel the subscription. To do this, log into SoundCloud, go to the subscription page under settings, and select the option to downgrade. If it was unauthorized, you should directly contact PayPal since they control your financial transactions. Please make sure to check your PayPal account settings to prevent unintended purchases in the future.
询问时间:Mar 20, 2024 2:40 AM

my music is taken down due to copywrite issues

If SoundCloud has taken down your music due to copyright issues, it means that the platform identified that your content violated copyright laws. Soundcloud uses an automatic content identification system which spots material that was used without permission. The copyright owners generally have the right to decide where and how their music is used. If you believe there's been an error, you can file a dispute through the resolution centre in your account settings and provide explanations. Remember that using someone else's content without their explicit consent or license is against the copyright law. Also, if you have legally obtained the rights to use the material, providing an evidence should solve the issue.
询问时间:Mar 16, 2024 4:14 PM


Account Management

如何删除 Soundcloud 帐户?

在本文中,我们向您展示了如何通过几个简单的步骤删除 Soundcloud 帐户。无论您是使用该网站还是...

如何报告我的 Soundcloud 帐户被黑?

在本文中,我们向您展示了如何通过几个简单的步骤删除 Soundcloud 帐户。无论您是使用该网站还是...


如果您需要更新 付款信息详细信息,您可以直接从订阅页面执行此操作,但前提是...


如果您不再使用 Soundcloud 帐户,您可能需要完全取消该帐户。继续阅读以下内容的完整列表...

Playlist Management

如何在 上共享播放列表?


Track Management

如何从 Soundcloud 中删除歌曲?

当您想要更新 Soundcloud 播放列表并希望删除某些歌曲时,您可以在计算机或智能手机上执行此操作...


SoundCloud 用户可以通过编辑隐私设置轻松更改单个轨道或多个轨道的隐私设置。用户...

Account Security

如何在 Soundcloud 上报告帐户?

作为一项政策问题,Soundcloud 希望其用户尽可能不要报告其他 Soundcloud 帐户,并尝试忽略......


本指南解释了 Soundcloud 用户如何阻止其他人并阻止他们查看自己的页面。该文章概述了如何记录...


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