Smart Telecom 客户常见问题解答


Smart Telecom 的电话号码是多少?

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是的,提前终止与 Smart Telecom 的合同需要付费。如果您决定在约定的期限之前取消合同...
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最近 Smart Telecom 个客户问题

My sim card no signal How to fix it?

If your Smart Telecom sim card has no signal, first try restarting your phone. Sometimes, it's a simple software glitch that can be fixed with a restart. If the problem persists, please check if the sim card is properly installed in your phone. In case this doesn't help either, you should verify that you are within the network coverage area. If none of these steps work, your sim card could be damaged. In that case, you can order a new sim card or visit a Smart Telecom store for further assistance. Remember, never try to repair the sim card yourself, as it may cause further damage.
询问时间:Mar 27, 2024 1:30 PM

How can I activate my roaming number after being deactivated by smart telecom company

To reactivate your roaming number that has been deactivated by Smart Telecom, you will first need to settle any outstanding payments on your account since a common reason for deactivation is non-payment. Once this is done, you can request for your roaming service to be reactivated. You can do this by logging into your online account and following instructions, or you can reach out to customer service by phone. Take note that there might be a waiting period for the reactivation. Please remember to pay your bills on time to prevent any future deactivation.
询问时间:Mar 16, 2024 2:50 AM

Convert from postpaid to prepaid

Certainly! Converting your postpaid account to prepaid is a straightforward process. First, you need to ensure that all dues on your postpaid account are cleared. Once done, take your ID proof and one passport-sized photo to your nearest Smart Telecom store. Request them for a prepaid SIM. They'll give you a new SIM which will be activated in a while after completing the necessary formalities. Do remember to backup and transfer all necessary data from your old SIM to the new one, as including contacts or saved messages, as these won't be transferred automatically.
询问时间:Mar 7, 2024 7:33 AM

is it possible to roam my tnt number even if i am already outside in the philippines?

Yes, it is possible to roam your TNT number even when you're already outside the Philippines. However, you need to ensure that the roaming service is activated on your account. To do this, you may need to reach out to our customer service support through another Smart Telecom line before you leave the country or when you're already abroad. Remember to check that your phone is also set to automatically select a network for uninterrupted roaming service. Roaming charges may apply so it's advised to be aware of the rates for the country you are in.
询问时间:Mar 4, 2024 3:22 PM

帮助我解决Smart Telecom客户服务问题

Services Offered



Billing Process



Number Transfer

我可以将我当前的电话号码转移到Smart Telecom吗?

是的,您可以将当前的电话号码转移到 Smart Telecom。我们了解保留您现有号码的重要性,并且...

Coverage Area



Internet Speeds



Contract Terms


不需要,Smart Telecom 的服务不需要任何合同。我们提供灵活的计划和选项,让客户可以选择...

Service Bundling

我可以与 Smart Telecom 捆绑多项服务吗?

是的,您可以将多种服务与 Smart Telecom 捆绑在一起。我们了解客户通常更喜欢方便且经济高效的...

Change of Address


如果您搬到其他地址,Smart Telecom 会提供灵活的解决方案来满足您的需求。您可以轻松转移您的服务...

Early Termination Fees


是的,提前终止与 Smart Telecom 的合同需要付费。如果您决定在约定的期限之前取消合同...