SkillShare 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 SkillShare 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


要更改 SkillShare 上的帐户设置,只需登录您的帐户并导航至设置部分即可。从那里,你...

什么是 SkillShare 高级版?

SkillShare Premium 是 SkillShare 提供的一项基于订阅的服务,让会员可以无限制地访问数千个...

最近 SkillShare 个客户问题

Can I refund my annual subscription payment?

Yes, you can. SkillShare has a 7-day refund policy for annual subscription payments. If you are not satisfied with the service or you mistakenly subscribed, you can request a refund within 7 days of the payment. But after 7 days, SkillShare will no longer offer a refund. Make sure to turn off auto-renew to avoid future charges if you no longer wish to use the service.
询问时间:Apr 26, 2024 12:46 AM

I was charged a full-year membership , before my trial has ended

We're sorry to hear about this. SkillShare's standard policy is to only charge a yearly membership fee after your free trial has ended. However, a common reason this can happen is if the free trial was ended prematurely. If you think there's a mistake, we recommend directly reaching out to SkillShare's customer service team who can assist with your billing concerns and help to resolve your issues. It's also important to note that all payments are non-refundable so please ensure you wish to continue with your membership before the trial ends to avoid accidental charges.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 10:18 AM

I want to Cancel and receive a refund

You can cancel your Skillshare subscription at any time. However, refunds are not typically provided once payment has been made. If you signed up for Skillshare and used it during the free trial period, a refund will typically not be provided. If a payment was made in error or under unique circumstances, you should contact your bank or credit card company. They have processes to handle these kinds of situations. Remember to cancel your subscription before the next billing cycle to avoid additional charges. Subscriptions will otherwise automatically renew.
询问时间:Mar 25, 2024 5:31 PM


Account Settings


要更改 SkillShare 上的帐户设置,只需登录您的帐户并导航至设置部分即可。从那里,你...

Overview of SkillShare


SkillShare 是一个在线学习平台,将用户与行业专业人士教授的各种课程联系起来。要得到...

Types of Classes

SkillShare 提供哪些类型的课程?

SkillShare 提供跨多个类别的各种课程,以满足不同的兴趣和技能水平。您可以探索...

Subscription Cost

SkillShare 订阅费用是多少?

SkillShare 订阅的费用取决于您选择的计划类型。 SkillShare 提供两种订阅选项:每月订阅和...

Cancellation Policy

我可以随时取消我的 SkillShare 订阅吗?

是的,您可以随时取消您的 SkillShare 订阅。 SkillShare 为其用户提供灵活的取消政策。如果你...

Class Access Duration


一旦您在 SkillShare 上注册了课程,只要您保持有效订阅,就可以访问该课程。凭借优质...


参加 Skillshare 课程有任何先决条件吗?

不需要,参加 Skillshare 课程没有先决条件。 Skillshare 旨在供各个级别的学习者使用,使...

Downloading Course Material


不可以,目前 Skillshare 不提供下载课程材料以供离线访问的选项。所有课程内容,包括...

Free Trial

SkillShare 是否可以免费试用?

是的,SkillShare 为新用户提供免费试用。注册后,您可以享受两周的无限制访问他们广泛的...

Teaching on SkillShare

我可以在 SkillShare 上教授课程吗?

是的,一点没错! SkillShare 欢迎任何拥有专业知识和知识的人在他们的平台上教授课程。无论您是经验丰富的...

SkillShare Premium

什么是 SkillShare 高级版?

SkillShare Premium 是 SkillShare 提供的一项基于订阅的服务,让会员可以无限制地访问数千个...