
Roboform 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Roboform 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

Roboform 的费用是多少?有订阅计划吗?

Roboform 的费用取决于您选择的订阅计划。 Roboform 提供个人和商业计划,以满足不同的...

最近 Roboform 个客户问题

I used to have RoboForm a couple of years ago. How can I get it again? I haven't used it for a long time. I have no idea what my main password is.

If you've previously used RoboForm and would like to start using it again, simply visit the RoboForm website and download and install the software. You can use your old account if you remember your account's email. However, if you've forgotten your master password, we're afraid there's no way to recover it. RoboForm doesn’t know your master password and cannot send it to you as we apply the zero-knowledge model. Consequently, you might have to create a new RoboForm account if you cannot remember your old master password. This will unfortunately cause the loss of all previously saved data.
询问时间:Apr 30, 2024 4:46 AM

how do I change the number of characters in a generated password

To change the number of characters in a generated password in Roboform, firstly, go to the Roboform Password Generator. Next, slide the length bar to your desired number of characters. Roboform allows you to create passwords with a length between 4 and 512 characters. Once you've adjusted the length, Roboform will automatically generate a new password complying with the set length. However, it's important to remember that longer and more complex passwords are generally more secure.
询问时间:Mar 28, 2024 10:32 PM

my Roboform will not do autofill or autosave - I can't create new logins, NOTHING useful works

It sounds like you might have a problem with your Roboform settings. To address this issue, please ensure that 'Autofill' and 'Autosave' are turned on in your Roboform settings. If those are already on and you're still experiencing problems, it might also be due to browser compatibility issues. Please confirm you are using a browser that is compatible with Roboform. Remember also to keep your Roboform software updated to the latest version to ensure the fullest functionality. If none of the above work, consider reinstalling Roboform, as there may be an issue with the installation.
询问时间:Mar 16, 2024 3:07 PM



什么是 Roboform?

RoboForm 是一种安全的密码管理工具,旨在简化和增强在线活动。这是一款创新软件...


Roboform 是如何工作的?

Roboform 是一种密码管理工具,可简化在线安全。它安全地存储您的所有密码和登录信息...

Roboform 可以生成强密码吗?

是的,Roboform 能够生成强密码。凭借其先进的密码生成器功能,Roboform 可以创建复杂的...

Roboform 可以自动填写表格吗?

是的,Roboform 具有自动填写表格的功能。凭借其先进的表格填写技术,Roboform 可以节省您的个人...


Roboform 安全可靠吗?

是的,RoboForm 是安全可靠的。我们将用户的安全和隐私放在首位。我们的密码管理器使用 AES...


我可以在多个设备上使用 Roboform 吗?

是的,您可以在多个设备上使用 Roboform。 Roboform 提供跨设备同步,允许您访问密码和填写表格...

Roboform 支持哪些浏览器?

Roboform 支持多种浏览器,使其高度兼容且易于用户使用。它与流行的浏览器兼容...

我可以跨设备同步 Roboform 数据吗?

是的,您可以轻松地在所有设备上同步 RoboForm 数据。 RoboForm 提供方便的同步功能,允许...


Roboform 的费用是多少?有订阅计划吗?

Roboform 的费用取决于您选择的订阅计划。 Roboform 提供个人和商业计划,以满足不同的...


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

