Rheem Heating & Cooling 客户常见问题解答


Rheem Heating & Cooling 的电话号码是多少?

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购买 Rheem 供暖或制冷产品是否有任何回扣或奖励?

是的,Rheem 为购买其供暖或制冷产品的客户提供各种回扣和奖励。这些激励措施是...
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最近 Rheem Heating & Cooling 个客户问题

Cannot start my 8450TI-E pool heater.

If your Rheem 8450TI-E pool heater is not starting, there could be a few possible reasons. It can be as simple as the breaker being off or your thermostat not being set high enough, so check these first. Also ensure the gas valve is open and the ignition is functioning properly. Make sure the pool pump is running and that the filter is not clogged. For safety reasons, if you continue to experience problems starting your pool heater, please get in touch with a professional for a detailed diagnosis to avoid any mishandling. These checks should be performed by a licensed technician to ensure safe and proper functioning.
询问时间:Apr 15, 2024 11:07 PM

Where is the lifetime warranty on marathon heaters?

The Marathon water heaters by Rheem come with a limited lifetime warranty on the tank and parts. This applies to the original owner and to single-family residential uses only. The warranty is effective provided the unit was properly installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines included in the installation instructions and use & care guide. For claims or specific conditions, it's recommended to review the warranty document that came with the heater or check the information from the place of purchase. The warranty does not, however, cover labor or any incidental, consequential or secondary damages.
询问时间:Apr 9, 2024 7:56 PM

Air conditioner broken and under warranty

If your Rheem air conditioner is broken and under warranty, it's recommended to contact the installer or dealer from whom you purchased the unit. Be ready to provide details about the issues you're experiencing, along with your unit's model number and proof of purchase. You should check your warranty for specific provisions as coverage can vary based on the model and time of purchase. Note that warranties typically cover parts defective due to manufacturing issues, not issues due to misuse or lack of maintenance.
询问时间:Mar 14, 2024 9:19 PM

帮助我解决Rheem Heating & Cooling客户服务问题


Rheem 供暖和制冷产品的保修期是多少?

Rheem 加热和冷却产品的保修期因具体产品而异。一般来说,Rheem 提供有限的...




我的 Rheem 加热或冷却系统的建议维护是什么?

为了实现 Rheem 加热或冷却系统的最佳性能和使用寿命,定期维护至关重要。瑞姆建议安排...


Rheem 加热或冷却系统的平均寿命是多少?

Rheem 加热或冷却系统的平均寿命取决于多种因素,例如型号、使用情况、维护等。


Rheem 加热和冷却系统的能效等级是多少?

Rheem 加热和冷却系统以其高能效等级而闻名。 Rheem 系统的能效评级...


安装 Rheem 供暖或制冷系统的成本是多少?

安装 Rheem 供暖或制冷系统的成本可能会因多种因素而异,例如房产的大小、具体...


购买 Rheem 供暖或制冷产品是否有任何回扣或奖励?

是的,Rheem 为购买其供暖或制冷产品的客户提供各种回扣和奖励。这些激励措施是...