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Onkyo 的电话号码是多少?
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最近 Onkyo 个客户问题
Trying to reset the receiver which buttons do I press to reset the receiver.
To reset your Onkyo receiver, press and hold the "CBL/SAT" button while pressing the "On/Standby" button. Continue holding both buttons until "Clear" appears on the display. This will reset the receiver to its factory settings.
I have a newer Sony tv and an Onkyo DTR-7 5.1 receiver, how do I hook up the tv
To connect your Sony TV with an Onkyo DTR-7 5.1 receiver, follow these steps:
1. Identify the audio output port on your Sony TV, usually marked as "audio out" or "spdif out". It may be a digital optical, coaxial, or HDMI ARC port.
2. Using the correct audio cable for the identified port, connect one end of that cable to the TV's "Audio Out" port.
3. Connect the other end of the same cable to one of the "Audio In" ports on your Onkyo receiver.
4. Verify that the appropriate audio input source is selected on the receiver.
5. Finally, turn on the TV and Onkyo receiver and adjust the volume to test your setup.
The specific steps may vary based on the exact model of your TV and receiver.
Maintenance Tips
为了确保 Onkyo 设备的最佳性能和使用寿命,我们建议遵循以下维护提示: 1. 断开电源:在进行任何维护之前,请关闭并拔掉 Onkyo 设备的电源,以防止电气损坏。 2. 定期清洁:使用柔软的干布轻轻擦拭外表面,去除灰尘和污垢。避免使用可能损坏表面的磨蚀性清洁剂或溶剂。 3. 通风:将设备放置在通风良好的区域,确保设备周围空气流通。避免在顶部放置物体或堵塞任何通风口,因为这可能会导致过热。 4. 电缆管理:定期检查和整理电缆,以防止缠结或干扰,从而降低音频或视频信号的质量。 5. 固件更新:及时了解安桥网站上提供的最新固件,以确保最佳功能和兼容性。通过遵循这些维护提示,您可以保持 Onkyo 设备的性能并延长其使用寿命......