Nordyne Appliances 客户常见问题解答


Nordyne Appliances 的电话号码是多少?

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Nordyne Appliances 是否附带用户手册?

是的,Nordyne Appliances 附带用户手册。每个设备都包含一份全面的用户手册,提供详细的说明...
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最近 Nordyne Appliances 个客户问题

The fan is set to fan only mode but produce heat while heat and cold modes are off

This could possibly be due to an issue with the wiring or a problem with the thermostat. There might be a short in the wires, causing the fan to engage the heat even when it's not supposed to. Alternatively, the thermostat could be giving incorrect instructions to the fan. We recommend getting a professional to check the wiring and the thermostat. If these are not the issue, then the problem could be with the fan motor or fan relay, which also need professional diagnosis and repair. However, without a direct examination of your Nordyne appliance, it's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of this issue.
询问时间:Apr 3, 2024 10:26 PM

I need a dual capacitor for Model FSD110602287. How much and how do I order? Thanks, John

We're really sorry but we are unable to provide specific price and order details for spare parts like a dual capacitor for your Nordyne Model FSD110602287. Prices and availability of parts can vary depending on your location and vendor. To make a purchase, typically you need to go to a licensed Nordyne parts supplier or visit an online store offering Nordyne parts ensuring to input model-specific details. Make sure you are buying from a trusted source to guarantee the product's quality and compatibility with your appliance.
询问时间:Mar 31, 2024 11:46 AM

帮助我解决Nordyne Appliances客户服务问题



如果您的 Nordyne 设备无法正常工作,请首先检查以确保其已插入电源并已通电。接下来,请参考...


为了确保 Nordyne 设备的最佳性能并延长其使用寿命,定期清洁和维护是必不可少的......


Nordyne 电器的保修期是多长?

Nordyne 设备的保修期通常根据具体产品而有所不同。一般来说,保修期...


我可以购买 Nordyne Appliance 的替换零件吗?

是的,可以购买 Nordyne Appliance 的替换零件。 Nordyne 提供各种正品替换零件...


Nordyne 电器的平均使用寿命是多少?

Nordyne 设备的平均使用寿命因使用、维护和型号类型等多种因素而异。然而,...


我可以自己安装 Nordyne Appliance 还是需要专业人员安装?

我们强烈建议让专业的安装人员来处理您的 Nordyne 设备的安装。我们的设备设计...

Nordyne Appliances 有任何特殊安装要求吗?

是的,Nordyne Appliances 有一些特殊的安装要求。为了确保最佳性能和安全性,重要的是...


购买 Nordyne Appliances 接受哪些类型的付款方式?

Nordyne Appliances 接受多种付款方式,以确保便捷的购买体验。我们深知餐饮的重要性...


Nordyne 电器节能吗?

是的,Nordyne Appliances 以其能源效率而闻名。 Nordyne 采用先进技术和环保功能设计,...


Nordyne Appliances 是否附带用户手册?

是的,Nordyne Appliances 附带用户手册。每个设备都包含一份全面的用户手册,提供详细的说明...
我们会查看客户向 GetHuman 报告的 Nordyne Appliances 个问题,以确定哪些问题最为常见,以及需要花多少时间研究如何解决这些问题。
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