
Napster 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Napster 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

6. 我的 Napster 帐户可以使用多少台设备?

您的 Napster 帐户最多可以使用 3 台设备。这包括智能手机、平板电脑、计算机和其他音频设备...

12. 哪些设备与 Napster 兼容?

Napster 与多种设备兼容,确保随时随地方便地访问您喜爱的音乐。我们的服务...

最近 Napster 个客户问题

i was calling because napster wont allow me to connect to my sonus saying it needs to be reauthorised

This issue may occur if your Napster account is not properly connected to your Sonos system. To resolve this, please follow these steps: open the Sonos app, go to 'Settings', 'Services & Voice', and under 'Music & Content', you'll find 'Napster'. Please click on 'Napster' and select 'Reauthorize Account'. Enter your Napster login details to link your account again. This should solve the reauthorization issue. If the problem still persists after following the procedure, it's possible there might be a temporary issue with Napster or Sonos connectivity. Please try to reauthorize it again in a few hours.
询问时间:Apr 25, 2024 4:33 PM

Mettre à jour mes coordonnées bancaires

Pour mettre à jour vos coordonnées bancaires sur Napster, accédez d'abord à votre compte. Ensuite, naviguez vers les paramètres de votre compte, puis sélectionnez "Options de paiement" ou quelque chose de similaire. Là, vous pourrez ajouter, supprimer ou modifier vos informations bancaires. Assurez-vous que tous les détails sont corrects avant de sauvegarder tout changement. Une fois que vous avez terminé, vos nouvelles informations bancaires seront utilisées pour les futurs paiements.
询问时间:Apr 18, 2024 6:37 PM

I'm a former member of Napster. Was a satisfied listener for 25+ years. Recently I received an email with a special offer to come back to Napster. I accidently deleted it. Can you help me possibly retrieve that offer?

We're thrilled to hear you're interested in rejoining Napster! However, we aren't able to resend deleted emails. Our suggestion is to check your email's "Trash" or "Deleted Items" folder for the special offer. If you're unable to find it, we recommend waiting for another promotional email to come through, as we frequently send out special offers to former members. Hopefully, you'll receive a new offer soon!
询问时间:Apr 7, 2024 8:22 PM

I need to update my payment info

To update your payment information in Napster, first sign in to your account. Navigate to the "Account settings" or "Billing Information" section. Here, you'll see a way to change or add new details. Provide your new payment information and ensure you save it. Your updates should be effective immediately for your subsequent billing. Remember that changes to your payment information should be made before your billing date to avoid problems with your subscription renewal.
询问时间:Mar 18, 2024 5:48 PM




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