
MyPoints 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 MyPoints 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

我可以在 MyPoints 上追踪我的赚取和兑换历史记录吗?

是的,MyPoints 为会员提供了一种便捷的方式来跟踪他们的赚取和兑换活动。通过登录您的 MyPoints...

最近 MyPoints 个客户问题

How can I change my email address to my new email address?

To change your email address on MyPoints, log into your account first. Then, navigate to "Account Settings" usually in the top right corner of the homepage under your account name. Once you're in the Account Settings, find the "Email Address" section. Here, you can update your email address. After entering the new email, be sure to save your changes. Please also bear in mind that you'll need to verify your new address via an email MyPoints will send to that address. Check your email's inbox, and click on the verification link to finalize the change.
询问时间:May 4, 2024 1:46 PM

what happened to all my points? I did not order those target gift cards.

We're sorry to hear about this issue. Any abrupt changes in your points balance definitely needs to be addressed. If you believe that unauthorized transactions have been made on your account, we recommend that you change your MyPoints account password immediately for security purposes. You can then alert the MyPoints customer support team about the issue. They will look into your account history to verify any discrepancies and possibly recover lost points.
询问时间:May 2, 2024 2:06 PM

my email got hacked and now I cannot get into MyPoints

We're sorry to hear about your issue. You can recover access to your MyPoints account by using the password recovery option on the Login Page. Click on "Forgot Password" then enter the email linked to your account. You will receive a link to reset your password. If your registered email account has also been compromised, please create a new email account and contact MyPoints Customer Service to update your information and regain control of your account. Please remember to secure your email and MyPoints account with strong, unique passwords.
询问时间:Apr 13, 2024 9:33 PM

I didn't receive my gift card request

We apologize for the inconvenience. When you request a gift card from MyPoints, it should typically arrive in your email within 10 business days or less. If it has been longer than this timeframe, there may be a problem. Please be sure to check your junk or spam folder, as the email could have been filtered there. If you still cannot find it, it's possible that there may have been an issue with the email address you provided or with the delivery of the email itself. We recommend reviewing the email address associated with your account. If everything appears to be correct, the issue might be on our end and we will strive to resolve it as soon as possible.
询问时间:Apr 10, 2024 1:00 PM

Are residents in the state of North Carolina allowed to use the Mypoints app

Yes, residents in the state of North Carolina can use the MyPoints app. The MyPoints rewards program and app is available to users in the United States, inclusive of all 50 states. So, regardless of whether you're located in North Carolina, New York, California, or elsewhere in America, you should be able to accumulate points for online purchases, surveys, watching videos, and other activities if the tasks are available and you meet the eligibility requirements. Please ensure that your app is updated regularly for the best user experience.
询问时间:Mar 11, 2024 8:14 PM




MyPoints 是一项忠诚度奖励计划,为会员提供多种赚取积分的方式,这些积分可以兑换礼品卡、现金返还等。


MyPoints 是一项奖励计划,允许会员通过在线购物、参加调查、阅读电子邮件、玩游戏等方式赚取积分...

Redeeming Points

我可以在 MyPoints 上兑换什么积分?

在 MyPoints 上,您可以将积分兑换为各种奖励。我们提供多种选择以满足您的喜好。你...


在 MyPoints 上兑换积分后,收到奖励所需的时间可能会有所不同,具体取决于所选奖励的类型。...


加入 MyPoints 有最低年龄要求吗?

是的,加入 MyPoints 有最低年龄要求。个人必须年满 18 岁才能成为该平台的会员......

Referral Program

我可以通过推荐朋友使用 MyPoints 来赚取积分吗?

是的,您可以通过推荐朋友使用 MyPoints 来赚取积分! MyPoints 提供推荐计划,当您的朋友签约时,该计划会奖励您...

Fees and Costs

使用 MyPoints 是否需要支付任何费用或成本?

不需要,使用 MyPoints 不收取任何费用或成本。加入和参与该计划是完全免费的。你可以...

Payment Methods


MyPoints 提供多种兑换积分的付款方式。会员可以选择电子礼品卡、实体礼品卡或 PayPal...

International Use

我可以在国际范围内使用 MyPoints 吗?

是的,MyPoints 可以在国际范围内使用。截至目前,居住在美国和加拿大的会员可以使用 MyPoints。然而,...

Tracking History

我可以在 MyPoints 上追踪我的赚取和兑换历史记录吗?

是的,MyPoints 为会员提供了一种便捷的方式来跟踪他们的赚取和兑换活动。通过登录您的 MyPoints...