
Movistar 客户常见问题解答


Movistar 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Movistar 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

可以使用 Movistar 升级我的智能手机吗?

是的,可以使用 Movistar 升级您的智能手机。我们提供各种选项来帮助我们的客户升级他们的设备......

最近 Movistar 个客户问题

My Wi-Fi Internet is not working

Sorry to hear that your Wi-Fi is not working. Firstly, check if your router is powered on and connected properly. If it's on but still not working, try resetting it. If this doesn't help, there might be an issue with your service or device. You can try rebooting your device or disconnecting and reconnecting to your Wi-Fi network. Finally, if none of these solutions work, you might be dealing with a larger network issue or outage and we suggest seeking technical support to resolve the issue. Please keep in mind to always protect your Wi-Fi password to avoid any unauthorised usage which could affect your browsing experience.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 8:40 PM

I want to change bank account number

To change the bank account number associated with your Movistar account, you must follow the required steps by Movistar. Usually, you can do this through your online portal or application. However, if you encounter any difficulties changing the bank account on the portal or application, you may need to talk to a representative or visit a local Movistar shop for further assistance. It's important that you gather all necessary documentation regarding the new bank account to ensure the process goes smoothly. Remember to double-check that the new bank account details are entered correctly to avoid any future issues with your billing.
询问时间:Apr 2, 2024 10:13 PM

i wish to complain about a cancellation not being activated

We're really sorry to hear you're having trouble with the cancellation process. We suggest verifying all the information related to your cancellation request to make sure you followed the provided steps accurately. After that, you should ideally receive a confirmation that your cancellation has been activated. If these types of issues persist, it may be necessary to attempt again or reach out directly to a Movistar customer service representative who can further assist you with the cancellation process.
询问时间:Mar 16, 2024 7:35 AM


Mobile Plans

有哪些可用的 Movistar 移动套餐?

Movistar 提供一系列移动套餐以满足不同的需求和预算。客户可以从各种选项中进行选择,例如...

Coverage Area


Movistar 在整个西班牙提供广泛的覆盖范围,是该国最大的网络覆盖范围之一。凭借其最先进的...

Number Portability

切换到 Movistar 时我可以保留当前的电话号码吗?

是的,您在切换到 Movistar 时可以保留当前的电话号码。 Movistar 提供一项称为号码可携性的服务,该服务...

International Calls

Movistar 的国际长途电话费率是多少?

Movistar 提供具有竞争力的国际通话费率,让您与世界各地的亲人联系。我们的费率取决于...

Postpaid Requirements

获得 Movistar 后付费计划有哪些要求?

要获得 Movistar 后付费计划,您需要满足一些要求。首先,您必须年满 18 岁。其次,你...

Smartphone Upgrades

可以使用 Movistar 升级我的智能手机吗?

是的,可以使用 Movistar 升级您的智能手机。我们提供各种选项来帮助我们的客户升级他们的设备......