


我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


Meetup 是一个致力于为所有兴趣和生活方式创建聚会活动的平台。聚会是结识当地人的好方法......

我可以更改 Meetup 上的用户名吗?

是的,您可以在 Meetup 上更改您的用户名。要更新您的用户名,请登录您的 Meetup 帐户并转到您的个人资料设置...。

最近 个客户问题

Tried to transfer meetup on new phone but wasn't allow. I still have account on under Lorraine from Lynn, Ma. How can I restore that account?

If you're trying to access your Meetup account on a new phone, make sure that you've downloaded the Meetup app from either the App Store (for iPhones) or Google Play (for Android phones). Once you have the app, open it and select "Log In". Enter the email address associated with your account ( and your password. If you can't remember your password, select "Forgot your password?" and follow the instructions to reset it. Once you're logged in, you should be able to see all your past and present Meetups. If you continue to experience issues, you might be dealing with a technical problem with the app or your device.
询问时间:Apr 26, 2024 10:00 AM

On Virginia Beach "Over 50" MeetUp group we can't seem to find the organizer. What should we do in a case like that?

When you can't find the organizer of a Meetup group, it could be because they've stepped down or left the group. When this happens, Meetup gives members the opportunity to step in as the new organizer to keep the group going. If no one steps up within a specific period of time, the group may be closed. So if you're interested in taking over as organizer, simply follow the prompts on the group page. Alternatively, it may be beneficial to contact Meetup's support team directly for assistance if the group leader isn't clear.
询问时间:Apr 20, 2024 7:00 PM

How do I send an announcement out to members about an event?

To send an announcement out to your Meetup group's members about an event, navigate to your group's homepage, and select "Manage Group" and then "Send an email to members". This will open up an interface where you can write your announcement. Once you have composed your message, you can click "Preview email" to see how it will look and then "Send email" to distribute it to your group. Please note that the ability to send emails to members directly like this is only available to Meetup Organizers.
询问时间:Apr 15, 2024 6:44 PM

I have recently joined this Sunday's Zoom call. Do I need any passcodes or IDs to be able to join

When joining a Zoom meeting through, the event host typically includes all necessary joining information in the meeting details. This should include the Zoom meeting ID and, if applicable, the passcode. If the host has decided to use a one-click link instead, you simply have to click on the link at the scheduled meeting time to join. If you can't find any information in the event details, contact the event host via the messaging feature on the meetup event page. They should be able to provide you with the necessary information.
询问时间:Apr 12, 2024 12:31 PM

I paid upgraded membership a few days ago and took over as a group.organizer, but no changes reflected on Meetup

It may take some time for the changes in your membership status to be reflected in the system. However, if it's been more than a few days, please double-check if the payment has been successfully processed through your bank. If the payment has been processed, but your account status on Meetup hasn't changed, it could be due to a technical issue. In these cases, it's recommended to log out, clear your browser cache and cookies, and then log back into your account. If the problem persists, it's best to reach out to Meetup's customer service for assistance. There could be a delay or discrepancy that needs to be rectified. It's important to not make payments again to avoid double charges.
询问时间:Apr 5, 2024 9:05 PM


Account Management


Meetup 是一个致力于为所有兴趣和生活方式创建聚会活动的平台。聚会是结识当地人的好方法......

我可以更改 Meetup 上的用户名吗?

是的,您可以在 Meetup 上更改您的用户名。要更新您的用户名,请登录您的 Meetup 帐户并转到您的个人资料设置...。

Customer Support

我如何从Meetup.com与客户支持联系? 是一个在线平台,用于为您所在地区创建和规划聚会。在某些情况下,您可能会遇到技术困难......

Group Memberships

我可以加入多个 Meetup 群组吗?

是的,一点没错!您可以根据您的兴趣和偏好加入多个 Meetup 群组。 鼓励其会员...


我们与一家位于加利福尼亚州的专家帮助公司合作,为您提供 24/7 的技术支持专家。立即享受 5 美元的一周试用会员资格并获得真正的支持技术人员的帮助。

