Medicare - Coordination of Benefits 客户常见问题解答


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如果我有 Medicare Advantage 或 Medigap 保单,我可以协调福利吗?

是的,如果您有 Medicare Advantage 或 Medigap 保单,您可以协调福利。利益协调有助于确保...
询问有关Medicare - Coordination of Benefits客户服务的任何问题,立即获得答案。

最近 Medicare - Coordination of Benefits 个客户问题

Do I need preapproval from medicare for MRI of abdomen with/without contrast and MRCP?

Typically, Medicare Part B does cover MRI scans when they are deemed to be medically necessary by your doctor. However, your provider may need to get prior authorization from Medicare before you undergo the procedure. This is to ensure that Medicare agrees to cover the scan. It's always best to check with your doctor and Medicare directly to know if prior approval is required for your specific case.
询问时间:Apr 16, 2024 7:42 PM

Why didn't medicare pay for a blood test for prothrombin time that my doctor ordered.

Medicare usually covers medically necessary services that meet their criteria. If your blood test for prothrombin time was not covered, it could be due to several reasons. Your doctor might not have indicated that the test was medically necessary, or there might have been coordination of benefits issue if you have other insurances. In the latter case, Medicare may not be the primary payer. It's also possible that you've exhausted your benefit limit. Double check these factors to ascertain why the service was not covered.
询问时间:Mar 26, 2024 6:34 PM

帮助我解决Medicare - Coordination of Benefits客户服务问题

Explanation of COB


福利协调是指当个人有额外...时 Medicare 协调医疗保健索赔支付的过程。

Functionality of COB



Eligibility for COB


福利协调适用于拥有 Medicare 保险并拥有额外健康保险的个人......

Types of Insurance

哪些类型的保险可以与 Medicare 协调福利?

多种类型的保险可以与 Medicare 协调福利。其中包括雇主团体健康计划、退休人员健康计划……

Informing Medicare

我需要告知 Medicare 我的其他保险范围吗?

是的,请务必告知 Medicare 您拥有的任何其他保险范围。 Medicare 需要此信息以便...

Primary Coverage



Secondary Coverage



Determining Primary vs Secondary

Medicare 如何确定哪些保险是主要保险,哪些保险是次要保险?

Medicare 根据一定的规则确定主保险和次保险状态。一般来说,如果一个人同时拥有 Medicare...

Denial of Coverage

如果我的其他保险拒绝承保 Medicare 承保的服务,会发生什么情况?

如果您的其他保险拒绝承保 Medicare 承保的服务,则 Medicare 仍可能支付该服务的费用,只要...

Changing Coverage



COB with Advantage/Medigap

如果我有 Medicare Advantage 或 Medigap 保单,我可以协调福利吗?

是的,如果您有 Medicare Advantage 或 Medigap 保单,您可以协调福利。利益协调有助于确保...