
Konami 客户常见问题解答


Konami 的电话号码是多少?

我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Konami 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。


用户可以通过忘记密码链接和屏幕提示来重置其 Konami 密码。选择一个强密码来保护...

Konami 是否有任何订阅计划或 VIP 会员资格?

不可以,Konami 目前没有订阅计划或 VIP 会员资格。我们所有的游戏和服务都可以访问...

最近 Konami 个客户问题

How can I recover my account if it is not linked?

To recover an unlinked Konami account, we generally advise attaching it to another service like Google, Game Center, or Konami ID. But if it hasn't been linked previously, recovering it could be problematic. It's important to try and remember any identification details like username or e-mail associated with the account. However, without being linked to an external service, Konami may not be able to recover the account. We highly recommend linking your account information to prevent such issues in the future.
询问时间:Apr 5, 2024 5:17 AM

How to get the verification code from my Konami I'd if i have lost the access of my gmail account?

We're sorry but if you have lost access to your Gmail account which is tied to your Konami ID, it becomes quite difficult. Google has a specific protocol in place to help you recover your account which you can use to regain access. Unfortunately, Konami cannot send the verification code to an alternative email or phone number. The email address used when setting up the Konami ID is essential for security purposes. We recommend taking steps to recover your Gmail account to retrieve your Konami verification code.
询问时间:Mar 31, 2024 8:07 PM

How can I update/ change my Konami I'd without a verification code?

To update or change your Konami ID, you generally need a verification code for security reasons. This is to ensure the protection of your account and personal information. If you've lost or didn't receive your verification code, we'd recommend initiating an account recovery process. However, without a verification code, updates or changes cannot be readily made to your Konami ID. It's critical to have your verification code to make any changes ensuring the safety of your account details.
询问时间:Mar 31, 2024 7:55 PM

My account has been stolen and I need help

We're sorry to hear about your situation. First, make sure you've followed all safety protocols: change your email password, as the person might still have access. Konami suggests you take immediate action. Go to the Konami customer support page and report this incident in the 'Inquiries' section. Make sure to provide them with as much information as possible. After receiving your request, Konami aims to respond as quickly as they can and will work on resolving the issue. It's crucial not to give out personal information to anyone you can't verify as a credible source in the future.
询问时间:Mar 30, 2024 1:50 PM

عندما ادخل معرف كونامي يقول ليس لديك بيانات

في حالة عدم العثور على بيانات لمعرف Konami الخاص بك، قد يكون السبب ربما إدخال المعرف بشكل خاطئ. يجب عليك التأكد من أن المعرف المدخل هو صحيح. تذكر ، المعرفات حساسة للحالة ، لذا تأكد من كتابة أي حروف كبيرة أو صغيرة صحيحة. إذا كنت متأكدًا من أن البيانات الذي قمت بإدخالها صحيحة وما زلت تواجه المشكلة، فربما قد تكون بحاجة للاتصال بدعم Konami للحصول على مساعدة.
询问时间:Mar 4, 2024 6:13 PM


Account Management


用户可以通过忘记密码链接和屏幕提示来重置其 Konami 密码。选择一个强密码来保护...

Game Progress Transfer


是的,您可以将游戏进度转移到新设备上。 Konami 提供了一项功能,允许玩家无缝转移他们的...

Payment Methods

Konami 接受哪些付款方式?

Konami 接受各种付款方式,以确保用户的便利性和可访问性。我们努力为采购提供灵活的选择...

Age Restrictions

使用 Konami 服务有年龄限制吗?

是的,使用 Konami 服务有年龄限制。科乐美旨在遵守相关法律法规,并保护...

Offline Play

我可以离线玩 Konami 游戏吗?

是的,您可以离线玩 Konami 游戏。大多数 Konami 游戏都设计为离线玩,让玩家可以享受游戏的乐趣...

System Requirements

在 PC 上运行 Konami 游戏有哪些系统要求?

在 PC 上运行 Konami 游戏的系统要求取决于所玩的特定游戏。不过,一般来说,最低要求...

Membership and Subscriptions

Konami 是否有任何订阅计划或 VIP 会员资格?

不可以,Konami 目前没有订阅计划或 VIP 会员资格。我们所有的游戏和服务都可以访问...