Kickstarter 客户常见问题解答



我们最常被问到的问题是如何与 Kickstarter 客服人员沟通。点击此处获取联系信息、电子邮件和聊天选项、联系人工客服、等待时间等信息。

如何重置我的 Kickstarter 密码?

定期更改您的 Kickstarter 帐户密码非常重要。这有助于确保您帐户的安全并防止...

我可以从美国境外资助 Kickstarter 项目吗?

是的,一点没错! Kickstarter 允许来自世界各地的支持者支持项目,而不仅仅是那些位于美国的项目......

最近 Kickstarter 个客户问题

I completed support for Tophouse Vinyl but did not receive confirmation. How do I follow up to be sure support pledged was confirmed?

To ensure your support was confirmed, log onto your Kickstarter account and navigate to your profile. From there, click on the "Backed Projects" section. Here, you will find a list of projects you've funded. The Tophouse Vinyl project should be on this list if your pledge was successful. If you do not see it, it's possible that your pledge was not processed. In this situation, we recommend trying the pledging process again. Even after a successful pledge, the email confirmation might have been missed or possibly ended up in your spam folder, so it could be a good idea to also check there.
询问时间:Apr 11, 2024 2:50 PM

How can I do a live chat with someone at Kickstarter?

Kickstarter does not offer a live chat feature for customer support. If you have a question or issue, the best way to contact them is by submitting a request through the Kickstarter support center, which can be accessed through their website. They usually respond to queries within 24 hours. You can also explore Kickstarter’s FAQ page for common questions and help topics. You should get a comprehensive response tailored to your specific problem or concern.
询问时间:Mar 1, 2024 4:34 PM


Account Management

如何重置我的 Kickstarter 密码?

定期更改您的 Kickstarter 帐户密码非常重要。这有助于确保您帐户的安全并防止...

Project Funding

我可以在 Kickstarter 上资助哪些类型的项目?

Kickstarter 是一个可以为各种创意项目提供资助的平台。从独立电影和音乐专辑......

Platform Overview

Kickstarter 是如何运作的?

Kickstarter 是一个众筹平台,帮助创作者将他们的项目变为现实。首先,创作者设定了一个融资目标......

Referral Program

什么是 Kickstarter 推荐计划?

Kickstarter 推荐计划是创作者邀请他们的朋友、家人和支持者支持他们的项目的一种方式。通过分享...


我可以在 Kickstarter 上匿名资助项目吗?

是的,您可以在 Kickstarter 上匿名资助项目。 Kickstarter 允许支持者选择是否要公开展示......


Kickstarter 的相关费用是多少?

Kickstarter 收取一些费用,以帮助支付运营成本并支持创作者。与此相关的费用主要有两种类型...

Unfunded Projects

如果 Kickstarter 项目未达到其融资目标会怎样?

如果 Kickstarter 项目未能达到其融资目标,所有承诺的资金将退还给支持者,并且项目创建者...

International Backing

我可以从美国境外资助 Kickstarter 项目吗?

是的,一点没错! Kickstarter 允许来自世界各地的支持者支持项目,而不仅仅是那些位于美国的项目......